Friday, May 8, 2015

Time to catch up!

Wow, I'm so behind on posts.  I'm making a list of posts I need to write to hold myself accountable:

Girl's birthday celebration
Tulum trip
Ear tube day

Let's start with ear tubes.  The doctor confirmed this surgery was a good idea - Reese and Drake's ears were FULL of fluid and crud, just asking for another infection.  Stella's weren't quite as bad but she still had some fluid.  Overall, the morning went well.  Three kids jammed into one tiny hospital room isn't ideal, but it worked.  We spent an hour and a half doing all the pre-surgery stuff:  a mountain of paperwork, vitals for kids, getting gowns and hospital bracelets, dose of Motrin, etc.  Then they took each kid one at a time.  Drake was first.  I handed him to the nurse, telling him "Yay Drake!  We'll see you in just a minute."  Later, they told us how brave he was...holding in his bottom lip all the way to the operating room.  Until they pulled out the anesthesia mask - then the tears started flowing.   After each surgery, the kids were taken to a recovery room and as soon as they started waking up, they brought them to us.  Drake was SO cranky.  He just kept pointing to everything he wanted.  Blankie, bunny, pacifier, cookie, lollipop, it was pretty funny.

Stella was second and she was the most upset.  She's been real clingy with me lately so it wasn't a big surprise.  But she was the happiest coming out of surgery.  She just blinked and looked at me, then ate her breakfast bar.  And she was singing a tune, of course.

Reese was the center of attention the minute we arrived.  She chatted up all the nurses, asking them what color popsicles they had and when could she get one!  (Every time she wanted to talk to a nurse, she would yell, "Lady!"  I need to have a Miss Manners lesson, apparently.)  When it was her turn, she grabbed the nurses hand and chatted all the way to the OR.  When they put her on the table, she looked around and asked where the orange popsicles were.  Waking up, she was groggy but that didn't stop her from eating her delicious popsicle.  We had to stick around for 30 minutes for another vital check, then we headed home.  Glad to have that out of the way and fingers crossed for some healthy kiddos.

Pre-surgery, playing with i-pads and hanging out.

Post surgery kiddos.

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