Sunday, May 24, 2015

KK's wedding!!!

***Jill, I haven't forgotten about your wedding!  I am still organizing pictures from Wes's phone and my phone to complete my post.  Coming soon....***

Reese and I got up at 3:30 am (eek!) on Friday to catch a plane to Buffalo, New York.  Reese popped out of bed when I woke her up - "Time to go to KK's wedding?"  She's been talking about it constantly the past few weeks.  The flight was uneventful - we stopped in Baltimore but didn't have to deplane so that made it easier.  Reese took a backpack full of goodies to keep her busy.  But she spent most of her time talking to anyone who would listen.  She made friends with all the flight attendants and when the plane landed, they took her to the cockpit to meet the pilot.

Reese took a much needed nap - wish I had gotten one, too!!

We stayed at a hotel in downtown Buffalo.  We had a few hours to kill before heading out to KK's rehearsal dinner so we hopped on the trolley and went to find a place to eat lunch.

The fountain in front of our hotel -

Reese's wet boots after deciding to step into the fountain - sigh!

It was so nice to finally meet all of KK's family.  As I type this, I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her parents or brothers.  Once she gets her professional pictures, I'll share a photo so you can "meet" her family.  Reese was extremely worn out after a long day so we headed back to the hotel after dinner.

Saturday morning - we needed to be at the lake for pre-wedding pictures by 2:00.   Time to head to Niagara Falls!!!!  I've heard the Canadian side has better views, but I wasn't sure how long it would take to cross the border two times.  So we headed to the US side, which was only 30 minutes from our hotel.  Luckily, the sun was shining and the views were spectacular!

We grabbed lunch, put on Reese's sparkly dress and headed to the lake.  Reese grabbed a cat nap on the way.

LOTS of pictures of the beautiful bride.

KK's photographer already shared these amazing photos.

My only picture of Reese and her flower girl duties - I had to run up to the front after I set her on course down the aisle.

Blowing bubbles at the reception.

We had a wonderful time and I'm so glad Reese got to take part in KK's special day.

At the airport on Sunday morning, making new friends.

Glad to be home and sleep in my own bed, sans Reese.  Somehow, her feet always end up in my face.

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