Thursday, May 28, 2015

Whole 30 food diary

Posting this for myself.

Day 1:

Breakfast - 2 egg omelette with bell peppers and mushrooms,  8 oz freshly juiced carrots
Lunch - 2 ounces chicken breast, one avocado, 1/4 cup unsalted cashews
Dinner - Wes made Halibut with a spritz of olive oil and seasoning, baked mushrooms and squash

Day 2:

Breakfast - same as Day 1, added onions to omelette for more flavor
Lunch - Wes made homemade chicken soup with cauliflower, corn, celery, carrots - he made a huge pot so this will be my lunch every day for a while
Dinner - baked tilapia (prepared same as halibut from Day 1) and green peas
Snack - cashews, 8 ounces of coconut water

Day 3:

Breakfast - same as Day 1, minus the carrot juice - coconut water
Lunch - leftover tilapia and peas, which Julie informed me are illegal on this diet - no legumes
Dinner - chicken veggie soup, sautéed shrimp in Tony's and olive oil
Snack - 1/4 cup cashews, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds

Day 4 -

Breakfast - 2 egg omelette with shrimp and tomatoes added, 1/2 avocado, raspberries, orange juice
Lunch - Chicken veggie soup, 1/4 cup cashews, coconut water
Dinner - Baked sweet potato slices, avocado mash, tomato - this was so yummy!  I'll be making this a lot.

Day 5 -

Breakfast - sweet potato toast with avocado and a fried egg
Lunch - chicken veggie soup
Dinner - Sauteed shrimp in ghee and Tony's, asparagus, cauliflower and green beans

Day 6 and 7 - 

Wes and I decided to do a juice cleanse.  Luckily, it fits in to the Whole 30 protocol so I'm doing it with him.  Turns out, we only make it two days instead of three.  But Wes had something major come up at work and I needed some energy for a busy Monday morning.  But this is what our weekend looked like - 6 juices a day.

We drank the green juice twice a day, and I actually like it!  In fact, I'm sipping one right now, days after we finished our juice weekend.    Check out all the green goodness that you get...

My favorite drink was the pineapple, apple and fresh mint.  YUM!!!!!!!

Day 8 -

Breakfast - green juice

Lunch - egg omelette, half avocado

Dinner -  Trying out my new spiralizer/veggetti - turns zucchini, squash, cucumbers into noodle shape - First, check out my first garden goodies:

Not much, but WOW, veggies from your own garden taste SO much better.

I spiraled the cucumber, chopped the tomatoes, added some rice vinegar and had a delicious cold salad.  Then I spiralized the squash, sautéed it in olive oil, and topped it with crushed, sautéed tomatoes.  It was delicious!!!  No more pasta for me this month!!  Squash was a welcome substitute.  And squash is one of my least favorite vegetables, by the way.

Day 9 -

Breakfast - omelette, half avocado
Lunch - quinoa (not whole 30 legal, but it's natural and healthy so I'm eating it!) avocado and tomatoes
Dinner -can't remember

OK, all the days are running together now.  So I'll just post things I really liked for future use.

I made a proper marinara sauce, using ground turkey, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and whole plum tomatoes.  Served it over sautéed zucchini and it was delicious.

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