Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Whole 30

Soooooo, my eating habits have gotten out of control.   I'm drinking several Cokes a day, eating tons of junk food and inhaling candy at bedtime.  So I cleaned out my bed-side drawer (reese's cups, reese's pieces, mini hershey bars, kit kats, lemon heads, PEZ and twizzlers - NO JOKE) and decided to make a change.  I thought about doing a 3 day juice diet, but The Whole 30 Diet kept catching my eye.  So I started yesterday and am excited to see how long I can make it.  Whole 30 cuts out all the junk - no soda, candy, sugar, processed food, no dairy, no gluten - the key word is whole.  There are a million blogs of people who have completed the diet and shared all their meal plans so there is plenty of help in that department.  Here are my 2 days so far:  (keeping this log for my personal use, feel free to skip over)

Day 1:

Breakfast - 2 egg omelette with bell peppers and mushrooms,  8 oz freshly juiced carrots
Lunch - 2 ounces chicken breast, one avocado, 1/4 cup unsalted cashews
Dinner - Wes made Halibut with a spritz of olive oil and seasoning, baked mushrooms and squash

Day 2:

Breakfast - same as Day 1, added onions to omelette for more flavor
Lunch - Wes made homemade chicken soup with cauliflower, corn, celery, carrots - he made a huge pot so this will be my lunch every day for a while
Dinner - baked tilapia (prepared same as halibut from Day 1) and green peas
Snack - cashews, 8 ounces of coconut water

Luckily, I'm not feeling lethargic like some people do after cutting sugar cold turkey.   I definitely miss the habit of snacking in bed as I watch TV/work on my computer.  I am also craving a coke, but I'm not gonna do it!!!!!   I have the house stocked with healthy foods so there is no excuse to cheat.  I'm not traveling the next few weeks (except for a quick trip to Houston) so I hope to be successful.  My cousin Lindsay just finished this diet - she lost ten pounds and feels great.  Weight loss isn't my main goal but I hope to lose a few pounds...I'm at my heaviest, 140 pounds.  And all the extra fat is in my tummy.  No two piece for me yet!!!  My main goal is to see if it helps my fatigue.   I just got another round of thyroid results and they are all messed up again.  Medication isn't really working for me right now so I'll be curious to see if a healthy diet does the trick.

Wish me luck!  Thank goodness Easter is FAR away - Mini Eggs and Cadbury Eggs are my favorite!!!!!!!!!

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