Thursday, April 17, 2014

On the mend

I took Reese to the doctor yesterday.  No ear infection but her throat had puss (yummy) and the doctor declared it a viral infection.   She was awesome at the doctors office.  I gave her a heads up (remember when the doctor looked in Drake's ears and mouth?  Can you say ahhhhhh?) so she was ready to perform.

Reese earned a bracelet (wacelet) for letting the doctor swab her throat to check for strep.  Here she is professing her"lub" for the "wacelet."

When we got home, she wanted some Daddy time.  Drake has decided that if Daddy is holding anyone else, then he needs to be held right that second.  He is currently obsessed with Daddy and Daddy only.

No idea if Stella and Drake battled this same virus over the last week.  They were both pretty grouchy, even without a fever.  Reese had a temperature of 102 until this morning!!  We went shopping for Dora pull-ups (I lub 'em!) and Easter trinkets for the eggs.  Fingers crossed that no-one else comes down with the virus and we can head to Nana and Pops this weekend to celebrate Easter.  

I grabbed some quality time with Stella yesterday afternoon.  She finished school at 1:45 and Reese and Drake were napping.  We went outside and had some fun.  First, we had some swing time.

Then to the backyard.

She found a spot to sit halfway down the hill.  She was looking at the trees and the birds.

 I could hear her singing softly so I turned on my video and snuck down the hill.  She doesn't see me until the very end of this video when I call her name.  The tune she is singing is "One little, two little, three little indians..."

Spring has sprung and even though we had a weird cold snap a few nights ago (down to 39 degrees) things are starting to bloom.  These beautiful flowers cascade over one side of our deck.  I started with a picture up close, then backed away.  Hundreds of flowers!!!

 It reminds me of the Secret Garden!  You can walk through it at the bottom and there is a little workshop under the deck where I keep some of our outdoor toys.

Our garden has survived thus far.

Both of our cucumber plants look a little sickly - we will see if they make it.

Any advice, Grandma or Nana?  It looks like it might have a little fungus or wilt - white powdery stuff.  Maybe I should toss it and grab two more?

That's it for today. 

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