Monday, April 28, 2014

some videos

Sunday, April 27, 2014

kris kross will make you...

Jump! Jump!  For the girls birthday, we treated them to a bounce house. 

Reese is obsessed with playing dress up.  Usually, it's just winter clothes.

But yesterday, I turned around and saw this.  Ummmmmmmm, should I be worried????

 She picked out a new hat at Target and has been sleeping in it.  So cute how she falls asleep while reading.

Eliot came in town this weekend.  Wes put him to work in the yard.  Thanks, Eliot!!!!
The girls helped, too.  

Then they played in a puddle for a while.

Reese and I went to sunday morning meeting.  (Stella just can't handle it right now.  She goes into panic mode as soon as we enter the door.)  After meeting, I enjoyed some one-on-one time with Reese and treated her to ice cream.  She was in heaven.

Poor Reese has my sensitive skin.  I saw a mosquito on her forehead this weekend and swatted it.  24 hours later, it was HUGE.    It was like an egg protruding from her forehead.  I dread the day she gets stung by a bee.  I've got an Epi-pen in the kitchen...better safe than sorry.

Eating outside is fun!!

Time to get some sun.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

not much news

Stella took the 4 wheeler for a spin today.  She doesn't quite have the hang of holding the button down to make it go or where to put her feet, but I'm sure she'll figure it out soon.

The previous owners put in an automatic sun shade on the back deck.   It's been very useful this week, since we skipped spring and went straight to summer.

Bird's eye view of the garden.  I bought two more cucumber plants since the other two didn't make it.  Will plant those this weekend.

My sweet girl.

Stella is slowly learning to use her words when she wants something.  In this video, we are upstairs playing and she wants a snack.  You will see her grabbing my hand and saying "up" - that's what she says when she wants me to follow her to another room - and "apple" - her current favorite snack.

Reese loves to sing her ABC's.

I took this video a while back and forgot to post it. Drake loves to help his big sister.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Funday

Not last Christmas but the one before, Wes bought the girls 4-wheelers.  They were terrified of them.  They have been sitting in the garage for over a year.  I decided to charge one up and see if Reese was interested.

Drake loves to play ball in the backyard.  That consists of picking up a ball, carrying it to another ball, dropping the first ball for the new ball and repeat.

And I saw a strawberry in our garden!!

Then we headed inside to play with our Easter eggs.  (Stella was at school this morning.)

Here is the birthday song from this weekend at Nana and Pop's. 


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!!

We had an awesome time at Nana and Pop's house.   Reese and Drake held hands on the drive there.

Nana had an Easter egg tree for the kids to play with when we arrived.

In the background of this picture you can see Quentin (our kids great-grandfather) and his wife Bernie.

Reese had a blast playing with the dogs.  Stella and Drake cried every time a dog came near them.  Guess they take after me:)

We had a traditional Easter feast of little smokies and fruit.  Well, that was just the kids table.  The rest of us had honey baked ham and turkey, an awesome potato casserole, green beans, deviled eggs and ambrosia salad.  Yummy!!!

More playtime.

Then we opened presents to celebrate the girls third birthday.

The kids were more interested in running laps in the backyard instead of collecting Easter eggs.  Maybe next year.

Drake almost fell asleep in the swing.

And in the hammock with cousin Ryan.

Back inside for some gluten free cupcakes (thank you Nana!!) and the birthday song.

The birthday magna-doodles were a big hit on the way home.

Drake and Reese passed out soon after we left.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  Great to see our Houston family!