Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Keeping busy

So a few updates...heard from Allstate Insurance today.  They are trying to repair my car.  The car shop it is at recommended it be totaled, but Allstate says the damage has to exceed $25k, and it's only at $17k.  Wes is having it towed to another auto shop that will prepare a quote based on factory parts, which should get us well above where we need to be.  Might be a little bit of a fight, but the plan is to get that car totaled.  I feel a little bit better each day but will start physical therapy just to make sure everything is A-OK before we are done.  Enjoying my mini-van...not so terrible!!  Don't think I'll start shopping for one just yet, but I can definitely see the appeal. it possible for them to be cuter this week?  Reese blows me away with her vocabulary.  She loves learning new words....I taught her dinosaur yesterday, and she made a point today to show me a picture and say the word (bu-bu-sore) at least 3 times.  She is a sponge.  She learned Jill and Byron's name after just telling her once.  Oh yeah, Jill and Byron were here!!  I wasn't feeling the greatest at the beginning of their visit, but they didn't seem to mind:)  They got out to Barton Creek and ate some good food.  I hope they enjoyed their stay, even though we didn't feel like the best hosts.  A little pre-occupied with car drama.  I guess I'll say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL, since you'll be reading this tomorrow!!  Back to Reese, I took a video of her singing Winkle, Winkle Little Star.  I wish she didn't have a mouth full of food while singing, but here ya go.

Stella is doing great, too.  I got a few words out of her - ball - quack.  She is still our little athlete.  Always has a ball in her hand.  And loves running laps around the new house.  She is really enjoying the wide open spaces.   Wes bought a little plastic pool yesterday and she had a blast "swimming" around.  They love being outside.  Here are some pool pics:

AAARGH - Google Plus is not working again.  Can't import my photos.  Note to self - Find a new way to import photos!!!!!

Drake is loving the wide open spaces, too.  He loves to chase Reese and Stella around the couch.  Of course, they are lapping him constantly.  But he doesn't mind.  Just keeps army crawling around, laughing his head off.  Wes calls his crawl the zombie crawl, like he's pulling his dead legs around.  So funny.  He is obsessed with going up steps and finding Daddy in his office.  Thought he was gonna be my Momma's boy but he is always looking for Daddy.  Sigh...  Don't think that I've mentioned that he has such a hard time eating solid food.  I need to find the video I took.  I would put a puff (a tiny piece of cereal that dissolves in their mouth for beginning eaters) on his tray and he would start gagging just looking at it.  Hilarious!  He is content with milk and baby food.  The doctor said not to worry, he looks fat and happy.  We will try more solid foods in a month.  

Sorry my posts have been few and far between.  Need to get into a nightly routine of posting.  Tonight, I worked on recovering a little chair for Stella's room instead.  More on that later.


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