Friday, August 15, 2014

The power of the jinx

Wes is quite superstitious and believes in the power of the jinx.  Me?  Not so much.  Until now.  Every time I make a comment about how well our kids are sleeping, someone has a horrible night and Wes gives me the look that says, "You had to say something, didn't you?"  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!  Wes has been out of town all week and the kids have slept perfectly!!  Down at 6:00 pm, both Reese and Stella are in their big girl beds and they don't get out of bed until I get them in the morning.  Drake wakes up at 6:00 am on the dot.  I take him some water and a toy to get one more hour of rest.  Then at 7:00, I get Drake and Stella.  Reese sleeps until 8:00.  When Wes returned home yesterday, I was bragging on the kids.  And then I went to bed.  And Drake started crying.  Wes took care of it.  Then Stella starting crying.  And Wes took care of it.   Turns out, Drake lost his pacifier but I don't know what set Stella off.  She hasn't woken up in the middle of the night in a while so I hope this was a fluke and I plan on keeping my mouth shut about all sleep accomplishments.

In other news, I took the kids to the pet store on Tuesday to kill some time.  

On Wednesday, Stella had school so the rest of us went grocery shopping.  Drake is OBSESSED with balloons.  Every time he sees one, he starts yelling, "Boons!  Boons!"  I couldn't resist this time so we picked out three balloons to take home.  

Reese's favorite thing to do at HEB is use the Buddy Bucks to earn points.  The cashier gives me a couple of pretend dollars and Reese gets to put them in the machine.  Then the machine spits out points.  You are supposed to save the points to cash in when you have earned enough for a prize.  But Reese thinks the "coins" go in her piggy bank.  Fine with me!!!

 Speaking of Reese, her poor feet are peeling from hand-foot-mouth disease.  It's pretty gross.  A few days ago, I pulled off her shoe and the entire bottom of her big toe just came off.  Reese started screaming, "I scary!  I scary!" which means I'm scared.  It was pretty scary.  I told her that I would put on some medicine socks (plain white socks) to fix it.  Seemed to calm her down.

I've been saving Reese-isms in my phone.  Here are her latest sayings.

When you ask her how old she is - "I'm 3 years cold."

When something breaks or falls - "Oh my goodness."

When we tip-toe downstairs because Drake is still napping , she whispers - "gentle-toe, gentle-toe" instead of tip-toe, tip-toe

Freckles are called breckles.

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