Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cabo = Awesome .......Hand Foot and Mouth Disease = Not Awesome

Do I have your attention????  I'm not sure where to start so let's go chronologically, starting with Thursday.

Thursday - KK came over in the morning and we caught our direct flight to Cabo at 11:30 am.  Two hours later, we were in paradise.  After a quick cab ride, we arrived at the hotel (Capella Pedregal) to find our room was not ready:(  Boo!  But they quickly made amends by offering us lunch so we headed to the beach restaurant to enjoy shrimp tacos, guacamole and ceviche.

Our room was ready shortly thereafter so we unpacked, put on our swimsuits and headed to the pool.  While laying poolside, we noticed a constant stream of butterflies.  I guess their migration pattern leads them down the coastline.  It was hard to capture a picture that showed just how many were constantly fluttering by.

Wes and I relaxing!!

Obligatory feet by the ocean picture.

Is that a pirate ship in the distance?

After a few hours poolside, we showered and headed into town.  Several folks recommended Romeo and Juliet, a quaint Italian restaurant.  It was delicious!!

Side-note - I love Coke's new campaign of putting names on cans.  And I loved seeing all the Spanish names in Mexico.   "Enjoy a Coke with Fernanda!"

I love this smile:)

At 9:00, I heard my pillow calling my name ("Jenny, come to me, I am soft and fluffy and there are no monitors on the nightstand") and headed upstairs, leaving Wes to fend for himself.  He chatted with a few people before joining me upstairs.  Needless to say, I got a FABULOUS night sleep!!!!!!

Saturday -

We awoke to a text that all 3 kids had gone to bed easily and slept through the night.  Score!!!  We knew they were in great hands with KK, but we were worried they might keep her up at night.  Guess they save that treat for Mom and Dad.  

We headed downstairs to enjoy the breakfast buffet, remembering from our visit last year that it was spectacular.  It didn't disappoint....until the bill came.  $150 for breakfast???  Hmmmm, prices seem to have gone up since last year.  Oh well, I went back and snapped pictures of the World's Most Expensive Breakfast, since it won't be happening again:)

The next few hours were spent making new friends by the pool.  OK, let's be honest - Wes was making new friends while I had my nose stuck in a book.  Then, I enjoyed a massage at the spa.  By that time, it was 5:30 so we headed to the marina to take a glass bottom boat out to The Arch.  Sooooo much better than I expected.  First came the fish.....

Then the sea lion.

A few pelicans.

Followed by the famous rock formations.

Nature saved the best for last.  We were heading back to shore when we heard a loud, slapping sound in the water.  There was a school of manta rays jumping out of the water.  It was awesome!  I'll post videos tomorrow but here are some pics.

The boat dropped us off at a Cabo favorite, The Office. We had a seafood extravaganza - lobster, shrimp and halibut.  Another great meal!!  

We also snapped a cool picture of the arch casting a shadow on another rock.

Arriving back at the hotel, we got a text from KK.  Drake and Reese had both woken up after their 6 pm bedtime with a low-grade fever.  Their commotion had woken Stella up, too.  NOOOOOOO!!!!!  
She was able to get Stella back to sleep and let Reese and Drake stay up and watch Frozen while their Tylenol got to work.  Then back to bed and with great luck, they slept through the night.

Saturday - 

But KK awoke the next morning to this.

Luckily, I've seen this a hundred times so I didn't completely freak out.  Hand, foot and mouth disease.  Super common and super contagious.  Kids have a fever, then the rash comes and there is nothing you can do but try and make them comfortable.  I hated that we weren't home to nurse our babies but thankful that we had hired Kari to join KK for the day on Saturday to give her a hand.  But I still felt extremely guilty that KK and Kari were being exposed to this yucky virus.  Fingers crossed that they avoid coming down with the symptoms - seems like most adults avoid it so I hope that stays true.

So that definitely put a bit of a damper on our day.  We managed to set our frustration/worry aside and enjoy a day by the pool.  We spent the day chatting with two other couples and made plans to join them for dinner in town.  We went to our room to get ready and check in with KK.  More bad news - Reese now had the rash and was extremely uncomfortable because she had blisters in her mouth.  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!  The only thing worse than having sick kids is not being home when your kids are sick!!  I felt helpless, so sorry for my kiddos, and so sorry KK was stuck with a house full of sick kids.  It's a good thing we had plans to fly home the next day, otherwise I would have been changing flights about this time.  I managed to rally and go to dinner, but I was definitely pre-occupied with thoughts of my babies.  I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel, get a good night's sleep, and catch a plane home.

Sunday - A delicious breakfast on our patio.

And another Mexican coke from our fridge:

 Then we headed to the airport.  After checking in, we headed to the elevator when I spotted an old friend.  Mike Denio, his wife Anya and their niece Jaycie.  What a small world!  It was great to catch up.  

We made it home right at 5:30 pm.  The kids were super excited to see us.  Poor Drake looks awful - I haven't taken pictures of his legs but they are covered in blisters.  Breaks my heart.  Reese has them on her palms and bottoms of her feet, as well as inside and outside her mouth.  And Stella came down with her fever today.  So we can expect her rash to pop up in the next day or two.  

So that sums up our 4 day vacation.  Even with the stress of sick kids, we still had a great vacation and feel re-charged and ready to start the day tomorrow.  Just hope I get 6 hours of sleep tonight:)  
Thank goodness for KK.  She's a lifesaver and she handled this giant hurdle like a champ.

 I'll post videos tomorrow.  

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