Friday, August 22, 2014

Busy busy busy

It has been a busy week here.  On Tuesday morning, I dropped Reese and Drake off at the club so I could have some alone time with Stella.  The weather was gorgeous so we headed to the park.  Stella loves climbing up the slides and swinging.   And I love chasing her around!!

We are in the process of getting both chimneys re-surfaced.  They were full of cracks and looked terrible.  It's quite a job, since both have to be accessed from scaffolding in the backyard.  The kids have enjoyed watching the action from inside.  Reese thinks the men are building a castle in the backyard.  We also bought 3 new exterior doors for the back of the house.  The one upstairs in Reese's room and the one in the kitchen leak when we have heavy rain.  And the one in our master bedroom is warped and has a big gap.  They should be ready in 2 weeks, then Home Depot will install them.  After those two projects are finished, we have some minor roof repairs.  Ah, the joys of home ownership!!

Reese and Drake went to the dentist this week.  Before we went, I showed them a 2 minute cartoon I found on YouTube that prepares kids for the dentist.  Reese was SO excited after watching the video, she started begging me to get in the car.  I asked her what prize she would like after the dentist visit and she asked for a ring.  (KK just got engaged!!!!  And Reese is obsessed with her ring.)  Reese did fantastic!!  Drake?  Not so much.  I pretty much had to pin him down for two minutes while the dentist took a look at his teeth.  The best part of the visit was the huge ring they gave Reese!!  Saved me a trip to Target.

Stella had Open House at her new school.  I am VERY excited about her new teacher Ms. Jenkins.  One of the dads pulled me aside at Open House (his daughter is entering her second year in this class) and told me how amazing she is.  The teacher has a full time aide and there are only 4 kids in her class.  YAY!!!!!  I met all the kids and parents - two of the kids are spending another year in this classroom so the teacher already knows them.   Stella and another student are joining them.

Here is a text message Joe sent me this morning.  What a sweet brother:)

And some random pictures:

I treated myself to sushi today after a loooooooooong week.

Watching a video.

Drake doesn't slide down the stairs anymore.  He has to walk and he won't let me hold his hand.  STUBBORN!!  He also likes jumping off the bottom step.

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