Sunday, November 3, 2013


Stella treated our Sunday morning meeting to her animal sounds during a loud rendition of Old MacDonald.  Very loud.  She was quiet for the first 15 minutes before she started singing.  Then she wouldn't stop.  Sigh.

We've had a nice weekend.  The weather has been GORGEOUS and we've been outside a lot.  Drake learned to go down the slide.  

And he loves wearing Daddy's hat.

Wes just ran to get some firewood.  Excited to have our first fire in our new home.  As long as it stays in the fireplace.  Speaking of fires, I don't think I shared what happened last time we were out of town.  Lynda was here watching the kids when all the smoke detectors went off at 2:00 in the morning.   UGH!!!!  We have the worst luck with smoke detectors - this happened in our Houston house a couple of times.  I just hate that the first time it happened here, it happened to Lynda.  She called Wes and he guided her to the breaker box in the garage, where she shut them off.  And they are still off.  I asked my electrician what to do and he said we have one bad detector and since they are all connected, they all go off.  And there is no way to tell which one is bad.  Really??????  He suggested replacing them all.  I have an idea of which one is bad - it kept chirping when I replaced all the batteries when we moved in. I think I'll replace it and see what happens.  Fingers crossed they don't go off when Wes is out of town. Which brings me to my next story.  Wes was out of town this past week when I awoke to the sound of a different alarm coming from the garage.  I ran out there to discover a flashing red light on a septic tank alarm system located right next to the ceiling.   I called Wes because I remembered the previous homeowner telling us this alarm goes off during heavy rain, which was the case.   Wes said the only way to turn it off was at the septic alarm.  So I found myself dragging out the 8 foot ladder and standing on my tippy toes to reach the alarm.  WHY does this stuff only happen when Wes is gone?????  

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