Monday, September 30, 2013

My precious pumpkins

Thinking about Halloween costumes today and remembered my favorite picture of all time...Reese and Stella in the pumpkins!!!!  I might have to do a pumpkin picture with Drake this year so I can make a framed picture of my 3 pumpkins one day.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Coolest Rainbow Ever!!!

Wes and I were eating dinner at the kitchen table last night when we saw the most amazing rainbow.  Pictures do not do it justice.  Each color in good old ROYGBIV was thick and clear.  After a few minutes taking pics, we noticed a second rainbow appearing above it.  Glad my new iphone camera has the panoramic option!!  We could see where both ends of the rainbow went into the trees.  Amazing!!! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daddy's home!!

Wes has been out of town since Sunday evening so I'm SOOOOO happy he is home.   I'm sure the kids will be surprised/happy to see him in the morning.  Reese has been walking around all week saying "Daddy?  Noooooo, Daddy work."

Stella has been singing a lot lately.  I caught her singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the car and managed to capture it on video.  You'll notice that she's making a lot more sounds than she did a few weeks ago.  She's got the sounds for "up above the ......" and "like a ........".  And she definitely has the tune.

And here she is singing Old MacDonald while putting together her farm puzzle.  She sings the part "with a baa baa here, and a baa baa there" and "E-I-E-I-O."  

Here is another hilarious video using my slow-motion feature.  Drake crawling.  Check out his fat jiggle as he crawls.  It's funniest with the volume up high.

And another funny one.

Drake LOVES crawling up the stairs.

That's all for today!  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

new iphone

My new phone has some cool features, the first being slow-motion video capability.  I captured the perfect video on my first try...Reese throwing a temper tantrum.  Much funnier in slow motion.  The moaning at the end is me imitating her crying, which I've found is the only way to stop her tantrums because she starts laughing.

Here is Reese during a sweeter moment, feeding (force feeding) Drake pretend food from their kitchen.

Here is a video of Drake on the ladybug playing chase with the girls.

And Drake riding his horse.  Ok, Reese and Stella's pink horse.

The other neat feature is the ability to take panoramic pictures.  Here are some I took from the back deck, trying to capture our view.

The guest room is 99% complete.  Come and stay!!

And I moved on to the hall bathroom to do some more grout painting.  The first picture is before, the next picture is after the first coat.  I forgot to take a final picture after the second coat.  Maybe tomorrow.

I need to tackle the laundry room.  I started in that room by doing all the edges that touch the baseboards before my painters got started.  Now I need to go back and do the rest.  Hoping I'll find the energy/motivation to knock it out one night this week.  Will probably take me a little over an hour and it will need two coats.  

Wes spent most of the day in the yard cleaning out the flower beds and the little garden.  He bought some succulents to put in the beds down by the fire pit.  Need to take pictures.  The yard is looking awesome!

Time to clean the paint from under my fingernails.  Nighty-night.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Guest Bathroom

Stella had school this morning and Drake was taking a nap, so I gave Reese an i-pad and decided to knock out re-painting the grout in the guest bathroom.



 It definitely makes the bathroom look cleaner and less orange.  Another thing I'm considering painting is the shower tile.  I've read several blogs of people who have painted it and the transformation was dramatic.  I'll have to wait and see.  That's a big job and I would need to have the kids out of the house for the entire day because the paint I have to use is super smelly.  Plus, if my painting job turns into a disaster, that means re-tiling the tub.  Ugh!!!  Oh, here is Reese keeping herself busy for an hour while I did this.

Some cute videos of Drake from today:

Drake is finally crawling like a big boy.

Here is a great one of Drake's laugh.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday afternoon

Wes sold his truck to CarMax yesterday because he bought a new car!!  He decided on a 2010 Infiniti G37, black on black.  It is FUN to drive.  Handles like a race car.  A cute little race car with a car seat in the back:)

Our black beauties side by side.

I am loving my new car.  SOOOOOO roomy inside, and super functional.  Got her just in time for a road trip to Alabama!!  Looking forward to heading to Mom and Dad's in a few weeks.  Hope the kids can handle the 10-12 hour road trip.  Actually, I hope Wes and I can handle it!!

I took this video of Stella singing out loud the other day.  It's a long video, but captures her personality. Wandering around, singing loudly, happy as a clam.  

When Wes sold his truck, he removed a cup FULL of coins.  I thought the girls might like feeding them to a piggy bank.  Ummmm, yes they did.  Again and again and again.  Kept them busy for over 30 minutes.   Excuse Stella's lack of clothing.   She ate half her breakfast, spread the other half on her pajamas.  

Our outdoor furniture was delivered on Friday.  Super comfortable, with a nice pop of color.  Looking forward to cooler weather so we can spend more time out here.  

Ahhhh, still can't get over this view.

I took this picture Saturday morning.  Pretty.

And I took this picture from the living room, laying on the couch.  Love all these windows.

Here is a picture of all 3 kids in the bathtub.  Drake is steadily gaining on the girls.  He has been wearing the same size diapers as Reese and Stella for 3 months. 

Did I post this one already?  Drake watching football with his Daddy.

All for now.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No more car fever

So I bought a new car today:)  I decided on a 2013 Honda Pilot EX-L.  It is black with a gray interior.  The best deal I found was at a dealership in San Marcos, which is only 30 minutes away.  They are tinting the windows tomorrow and we will pick it up on Saturday morning.  Woo-hoo!!!  Still working on finding Wes a car.  He plans on trading in his truck and getting a used car.  

A few videos for you...

Reese singing her ABC's.

Stella and Reese building together.

Stella's favorite word???  Ball!

Reese doing a puzzle.  I love how she says octopus:)

Drake showing off his ball handling skillz!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Good news!!!!

The car has been deemed a total loss by All State.  So time to start car shopping!!  Jill took some pictures of the family while she was here and here are my faves: