Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Part two

Here is the short version for our last two days of vacation.  Monday brought a tropical storm to the coast so the weather was overcast with some rain.  But we still had a great day.  We hung out at the restaurant for a good part of the day getting to know another couple, Sean and Sarah.  I managed to sneak in another massage (spoiled!!) and then the 4 of us went to dinner at Edith's, an awesome local restaurant.  Best shrimp ever!!  Tuesday morning, we awoke to gorgeous weather so we spent the morning by the pool before heading to the airport at 11:00.  All in all, it was an amazing and much needed vacation.  We got home around 5:30 and Reese was dancing when she saw us.  Then she realized our arrival meant Nana's departure and she started BAWLING!  Somebody loves their Nana.  Thanks, Lynda, for managing the circus in our absence!!!  We owe you:)

Drake is sitting up!!!    It makes me a little sad, going to get him out of his crib and he is sitting up.   My baby is growing up too fast.

Reese and Stella watching a movie together.  Can't believe they aren't fighting over who holds the ipod.  

Funny story about Reese and just how stubborn this girl is.  Every night at bedtime, she has a routine of turning on her fan (the humidifier) and her night-light.  If I try and do it for her, she gets upset.  Well, tonight she was taking her sweet time and I warned her that if she didn't hurry up, I was going to do it for her.  She kept stalling so I turned them both on and proceeded to pick her up and put her in the crib, where she began to cry.  And cry and cry and howl and howl.  I closed her door and headed downstairs.  20 minutes later, I realized she was still going strong so I went up there and felt pretty bad when I saw her sitting there, red faced and snotty from crying.  And she was still sobbing.  I said, "Reese, do you really have to turn them on yourself?"  She hopped up and said, "Yes.  Thank you, thank you, thank you."  I picked her up and put her on the ground.  She walked over and turned the fan off, then the night light off.  Then she walked back to where I was standing and acted like we had just entered the room at bedtime.  "Night night" she said and turned the fan back on and the light back on.  Then she raised up her arms and let me put her back in the crib, happy as a clam.  Woah!  That is one stubborn little mule.  

Here's a congratulatory shout-out to my mom, who got her halo off today after 3 long months.  So proud of your strength and purpose throughout this crazy ordeal!!  

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