Sunday, January 26, 2014

Polar Vortex slams Austin, TX

I wonder how long it will take our city to repair the damage caused by this epic cold front.  Here are some pictures of our yard - I hardly recognize it!!

All joking aside, it was kinda cool to see snow.  I can't remember the last time it snowed in Houston.  Reese kept saying "snowball" because she has a book about snowball fights.  Most of the city shut down on Friday since the roads were very icy in some parts.  Stella's school was cancelled so we hung out here all day.  Thank goodness for a fun playroom!!

Stella prefers to read books while she is hanging off the edge of her closet shelf.

Reese continues to be very animated when she talks.  She was putting on a show for us at breakfast so I sat at the table and snapped pictures of her as she went through all her "characters."  And the Oscar goes to. . . . . .

Busy work - I've been working on our filing system.  Since we moved in, we've been throwing things that need to be filed in a drawer is Wesley's office.  It took several days, but I managed to turn this...

into this.  Ahhhhhhhh, I love getting organized. 

Plus, I found a few things we had been looking for.  Like our home warranty.  We actually have decent coverage  so I'm having someone come out to take a look at our ice-maker (it makes ice but doesn't dispense it when you press the button) and our smoke detector system (since it goes off at 2:00 in the morning when THERE IS NO FIRE).  I also found the plans for a pool the previous owner had drawn up.  We are getting ready to get bids on pools and the pool house so we can shape an idea of what we want our backyard to look like. 

Time for a nap.  The kids gave us a work-out during meeting this morning.  And speaking of naps, I can't remember the last time Stella or Reese took one.  Have they outgrown them already????????  I will continue to throw them in their cribs at noon every day but I'm lucky if I get an hour and a half before the jumping begins.  Yeesh!

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