Monday, January 13, 2014

Getting some sleep over here

I'm a little hesitant to brag about getting sleep - seems like every time I say it out loud, the next few nights are awful.  But here goes...Drake is sleeping great.  He goes down easy, except for the fact that it takes FOREVER to get a burp out of him after his evening bottle.  Seriously, it takes about 20 minutes to burp him.  He's frustrated, we are frustrated, no fun for anyone.  But once he goes down, he stays down.  Same with Reese.  She is a true "Reese."  This girl loves to sleep.  She lays flat on her back with arms and legs spread out, snores, talks in her sleep and doesn't wake up for anything.  Her and Drake are sharing a room right now and he can wake up wailing at 6 am and she doesn't move a muscle.  Nice!!!  Stella is doing much better.  (Knock on wood.)  The nightmares, night terrors and getting scared in the middle of the night have all stopped.  She still wakes up once a night but she sings herself back to sleep.  I can handle that.  Back to Reese.  One issue she is having is taking her clothes off at nap time.  She is super close to being potty trained but nap time is her downfall.  She keeps taking all her clothes off, sometimes her diaper.  Yesterday, she took her poopy diaper off (nice!) in her crib.  Luckily, it was firm (too much information?) and even luckier, my babysitter was here.  Ha!!  Sorry, KK!!!  Actually, I had just gotten home so I helped her out.  Reese got a BIG pop on her bottom and promised not to do it again.  Fast forward to today, where she took her clothes off and peed in her crib at nap time.  Another big POP and 30 minutes of timeout in her crib with no books.  Let's see what tomorrow brings!!  Wes suggested I put the video monitor in her room for nap time tomorrow.  Time to catch her in the act of taking her clothes off and stop her there.  Here are some pics from a few days ago.   When I got her out of bed at naptime, she assured me "no pants off, mama.  no pops."  I believed her for a second.  Then I set her down in the playroom and realized her shirt was on backwards.

And there was a mysterious bulge on her side.

Further investigation revealed that her pull-up diaper had been removed and put back on sideways.  Busted!!!!

Sadly, Reese still has no problem telling a lie straight to my face.  Not good.  But for the most part, she's a good listener.  Oh, except when she rides the dog when I take her to Old Navy.

Stella and I were watching a movie one afternoon and I took this picture of her holding my arm.  Such a sweetie.

All right.  Ready for a few videos?

Reese gets all her dancing moves from her mama.  That's not a good thing.

 Another video of Reese. Here she is singing her ABC's. She is enunciating strangely, maybe because she is watching herself sing as I record. Funny stuff.


Then she sang Twinkle, Twinkle.

That's all I have for today.

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