Monday, January 20, 2014

3-day weekend is over:(

Who doesn't love a 3 day weekend?  Sadly, it is over but we crammed a lot in.    We took our crew to Sunday morning meeting.  It was a circus.   Drake didn't want to sit in his stroller so that meant we were constantly shuffling kids as one would behave and the other two would be wiggle worms.  Reese is into singing so she's been getting some good use out of the hymn book she got from Grandma.  As soon as we start singing, she opens her book and starts pointing at words while singing la, la, laaaaaaa.  Pretty cute.  But she also knows that bible study ends with a hymn.  So after every single hymn, she announces, "ALL DONE!"  We shush her and say, "not yet!!"  We usually have around 5 hymns in a meeting so that gives our group 5 good chuckles. 

I'm happy to report that Reese is doing great in her big girl bed.  Two nights in a row, no wake-ups and she doesn't climb out of bed when she wakes up in the morning.  She's happy to lay there and read.  Awesome!!!  I'm excited to get a crib out of the house.  One down, two to go.  Stella has taken to falling asleep in her tee-pee.  Guess that's always an option.

So back to our weekend.  Our friends Brian and Kirsten ran the half marathon Sunday morning so we met up with them in the afternoon to celebrate their athleticism and our ability to go a little over 2 years without formal exercise.  Wes and I would like to thank our respective parents for the good genes - they are serving us well these days.   Although I'm a little nervous about getting into a bathing suit next month.  We are headed to Mexico and I think a one-piece will be my new best friend.  Time to get on so I can try them on in the privacy of my own home. 

I keep getting off track.  Monday was spent doing odd jobs around the house and sneaking in some playtime outdoors since the weather is gorgeous!!!  Brian and Kirsten stopped by since they hadn't seen our new digs yet, and Sara and sweet Julian made a visit.  Drake and Julian are just a few months apart and I'm excited for Drake to have a little buddy to play with.  Julian is about the cutest kid on the planet (more good genes at work).  Here are a few pics from today.

Reese was a pistol today.  I can't remember what set her off before taking this picture.  She is really testing the waters these days.  I think it's time for me to put a stool in the corner and send her to time-out when she throws these little fits. 

Turning in early tonight. 


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