Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Rod and Sandra came over and we enjoyed a feast.  They cooked friend turkeys, stuffed mushrooms, corn and shitake soup, cranberries, mashed potatoes, dressing, and on and on and on.  The kids favorite part was the dinner rolls.  I think Reese ate 5 of them.  Guess she's a carb queen, like her mama.   We christened the dining room table and my new chairs. 

The day before Thanksgiving was the first dry day we've had in a while.  We took advantage and headed outdoors.  I found some cute winter hats at Walmart and surprisingly, both girls kept them on the whole time we were outside.

Still trying to get a video of Drake walking.  He tries all the time now, his current record being 6 steps.  But every time I pull the camera phone out, he plops down. 

Chris and Eric, friends from Houston, are coming in town today to visit.  We haven't seen them or their daughter Emily since we left Houston.  Should be fun!!! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Drake!!

We finally celebrated Drake's first birthday.  Nana came in town yesterday to join us.  The kids are at a great age where they all enjoy the same toys so Reese and Stella were just as excited as Drake about some new toys.  Heather sent a red car that Drake can ride on and that was a big hit with everyone.  They had a hard time waiting their turn to take a spin on their new ride.  Nana found a really cool game that has balls that you put in the center of the "table" and they spill down the legs when you press a button.  I don't think the kids have ever been so quiet as they all stood around that table and played it again and again and again.

Here is the birthday video.

 Drake, being the picky eater that he is, only nibbled on the icing. 

In other news, it is COLD and RAINY here.  Two of my least favorite things.  The only bonus is having a fire in the fireplace.  A few of our windows are leaking when it really pours.  We were already in the process of getting bids for new windows, just need to speed that up now.   

Wes is home after a weekend in Baton Rouge and New Orleans.  Glad to have him back.  I sleep better knowing he is here.  He said I was snoring so loud last night.  Probably due to the Ambien that I took.  Mama needed a good night's sleep:)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

same old, same old

Not much new over here.  Anadean is in town so I've enjoyed hanging out with her.  Reese loves "Dean."  She turns into such a show-off when she has someone to perform for.  Here are a few pics from the past few days.

Reese is so close to mastering Mr. Potato Head.

Stella trying out a carrot.  One nibble and she threw it on the floor.

Wes brought home Chik-fil-A for lunch one day.  Reese LOVES any kind of dip so we gave her some for her nuggets.  Stella saw what Reese had so she wanted to try it.  Guess I should have taught her what to do with it.  I looked away and when I looked back, she had it tipped back and almost empty.   Yummmmmmmmmm.

More and more trees are being decorated on that stretch of 360 near our house.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I need to catch up on some pictures. Here are my faves...

Our nanny, Kaitlyn, captured these awesome pictures of Stella.  Love her big grin.

I can't wait to see the pictures our photographer took at our family photo shoot last weekend.  She was so calm and patient and I didn't feel stressed out.  She just followed us around as we chased Reese and Stella.  We would sit together for a few minutes, ummmmmmmmmm seconds, and then they would be off.  Below is my sneak peak of what is to come. 

A few days ago, it was 35 degrees and we had a beautiful fire going.  Today it's going to be 80 degrees.  That was a short winter.

Look at this little turkey.  He took two steps yesterday.  Itty bitty steps but it won't be long.

I'm cleaning out  my last closet of unpacked boxes.  It holds mostly books, knick-knacks and art.  I am in the process of framing our art from all our world travels.  I'm going to create a little gallery in the sitting room off the kitchen.  Here are a few pieces I've framed.

This was before I stretched these two paintings.



Here we are playing in the backyard on one of the cooler days.



Where does this boy get his chubby cheeks?  He still only eats formula, baby food and the occasional puff.  Curious what the pediatrician tells me tomorrow. 

Both my girls love to color.


Reese, our little actress, likes to make this face when she is unhappy about something.  Don't remember what she was upset about.  And that's Kaitlyn (KK) holding her.  Don't know what we'd do without KK.  I LIVE for Tuesdays when she spends the day here.  I get SOOOOOOO much done.