Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a nice 3 day weekend together.  On Saturday, we took the kids to the indoor pool again.  The outdoor pool is still too chilly for the kids.  I snapped a cute picture of Drake lounging in his float.  He is very comfortable in the water.

On Sunday morning, we went to Bible Study.  This Sunday was MUCH better than last Sunday.  Reese likes to say "nite nite" when everyone closes their eyes for prayer and she sings the hymns in her imaginary language.  Stella likes to play with stickers and put them on her arms and legs.  And Drake just smiles at everybody.  I found a few volunteers to hold him if he ever gets fussy so that's good to know who I can hand him off to.   After a long nap, we headed to Chris and Amy Hogan's house for a party.  The kids had a blast jumping in the bouncy house and chasing their dog around.  Both girls were much better around strangers, no hanging on to our legs and crying.  I left around 6 pm with the kids (and the babysitter we took with us...lifesaver!!!) and Wes stayed with Eliot, who had come to visit us for the weekend.

Monday was a lazy day.  Kids played inside for the morning while Wes drove Eliot around in the cruiser to see some of the neighborhoods we are considering.  Eliot left in the early afternoon and we threw the kids in the car and drove by a few houses we are interested in.  We are making an offer on a house in Great Hills.  It's a complete fixer-upper but the bones of the house are great.  High ceilings, good floor plan.  But the kitchen and all the bathrooms need to be gutted, as well as new windows, doors and flooring.  But if the price is right, it's totally worth it.  Would love to design a kitchen again.  Already posting some great ideas on Pinterest and Houzz.  Love both of those websites. 

I jinxed myself by praising Drake's sleeping habits.  He was up from 2:30 - 3:30 last night and I finally broke down and fed him a bottle.  Sigh.  Working on a schedule today to try and have a better night tonight.  He is saying "Da-da-da-da" a lot these days.  He wants to crawl but does the worm, instead. 

Stella is very sing-songy these days.  I can tell that she is trying to talk but when it proves too difficult, she sings in these little chirps.  She is also part monkey, climbing on everything.  Here is a video of her hanging off the couch until she falls.  Doesn't phase her and she did it about ten more times after that.

And I knew this day would come....I used to wish the girls would start talking so I could understand what they wanted.  Well, Reese has started and she is never going to stop!!!!  In the car, in the bathtub, at the pool, climbing the stairs - it doesn't matter what she's doing, there is a constant stream of jibber-jabber escaping her lips.  Her most frequent sayings:

"Sheer come" - here I come
"ah dum" - all done
"git choo" - I'm gonna get you
"where dee go?"  - where did he go?
"mah?" - more
"chichen" - kitchen - she is obsessed with food
"wa-wa" - water
"uh-oh shmeghsiehjks" - uh oh, spaghettio - the spaghettio part is pronounced different every time!
"sissy" or "ella" - her names for Stella

Here's a video of Reese dancing.  Sassy!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  

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