Saturday, May 25, 2013

Busy, busy

Now that everyone is healthy and happy, we are settling into our daily routine.  Thought I would walk you through our day.

Drake wakes up first, between 5 and 6.  He gets a bottle, then I throw him in the swing and he usually goes back to bed.  Stella and Reese start babbling to themselves between 6 and 7.  A nice bonus is they will hang out in their crib for quite a while until Wes or myself go get them.  Another bonus is they still haven't figured out they can climb out of their crib.  No doubt they could if they tried (part monkey) but they don't seem interested.  We bring them downstairs for breakfast, their favorite meal of the day.  They can eat more than I can for breakfast, no joke.  They each get a banana, a breakfast bar and some fruit.  If Wes is doing breakfast, he will cook up some little smokies and eggs.  Stella is crazy for smokies, Reese for eggs.

Then the fun begins.  We play in the living room first.  I've worked out a good system with the toys that is working great.  We have TONS of toys so I've divided them into 7 boxes.  One box for each day of the week.  It has cut down on the huge mess of too many toys and the girls don't get bored because they are waking up to new toys every day.  Success!!!  While they are playing, Drake is either bouncing in his exersaucer or hanging with Momma.  After a couple of hours of playtime, I throw the girls and Drake in their high chairs.  The girls eat snack, then color and play with stickers.  I feed Drake and then he stares at the girls.

Back to playtime!!  A new favorite game is pulling all the pillows, cushions and blankets off the sofa and jumping onto them.  Both girls love doing it, and Reese says "Here I come!" about a thousand times a day.  Funny girl can't say anything once.  She repeats things over and over.

Lunch time is around 11:30.  The girls are quite settled in the routine so as soon as lunch is over, I hand them each a pacifier and they walk to the staircase and wait for me to open the gate.  So lucky that they love their naps!!  I can usually get Drake to go down for a nap at the same time as the girls, giving me a few minutes to myself.  I scarf down lunch and answer e-mails/phone calls.  (Wes and I laugh that we don't remember how to eat slowly because we are usually eating with someone climbing all over us.)

When the girls wake up, we usually play up in Stella's room for a bit.  It has the play kitchen and the table and chairs.  The girls are slowly starting to play more together, handing each other toys and doing puzzles together.  So sweet.  But it certainly doesn't come without their fair share of fights.  Reese is definitely getting better about not taking every toy Stella is playing with.  She's gotten enough pops on her behind to learn that's a no-no.

Some days, Wes finishes work early and we take the kids out for a walk.  They love being outside.  Reese always ask for her eyes (sunglasses) and Stella hums constantly in the stroller.

Dinner time is around 5:00, followed by everyone's favorite---Bath!!!!  Drake goes first, then Stella and Reese bathe together.   They would stay in their all night if we let them, but as soon as they are good and pruned, we pull them out kicking and screaming.  They both try to push the other one to the front of the tub to get picked up first.  We play in our pj's downstairs while Wes starts cooking dinner.  Between 6:00 and 6:30, we head upstairs for bed.

Drake gets us all to himself for the next hour.  He is still the happiest baby ever.  He smiles and laughs constantly.  He gets his last bottle of the day and down he goes.  Then I take a big SIGH and lay on the couch for a few hours.

So that's my exciting life!!!  It feels like Groundhog's Day some days but I'm thankful I get to watch my little ones grow up.  They are changing so much from week to week and I love watching every moment of it.

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