Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I think Reese has finally turned a corner.  She has been fever free since noon yesterday.  Woo-hoo!!!  And I had a great Mother's Day.  Wes took the night shift Friday and Saturday night, so I popped in my ear plugs and got a great night's sleep two nights in a row.  Ahhhhhhhhh.  Glorious:)

I found two great babysitters.  Both girls are education majors at a nearby college.   It will be great to have some help a couple mornings a week.  This morning, we took the kids to a nearby park.  Lots of room to run around, great playground and a swingset.  Reese loves playing in the rocks and climbing the stairs to go down the slide.  Stella loves being pushed in the swing and running, running, running.  It's a full time job chasing her around. So you all know how much she loves men...funny story.  There was an older asian couple at the playground walking the track and doing stretches.  They greeted us when we arrived and talked baby talk to Drake as he sat in the stroller..very sweet.  About 20 minutes later, the old man was up at the playground stretching.  Stella saw him from a distance and ran towards him.  When she got there, she held her arms up for him to pick her up.  So he did and she just smiled and smiled, looking him right in the face.  He held her for 2 minutes and she was just content looking at him.  Finally, I said "Ok, Stella.  Let's go play!"  And he put her down and off we went.  It was the funniest thing!!!  She didn't want anything to do with the babysitter but fell in love with the old man.  I wish I knew what was going through her brain.

So looks like my videos from a few days have loaded.  So I'll keep posting videos and pics.  Might take a few days for the videos to show up, will have to wait and see. 

Drake continues to be the sweetest, happiest baby.  Every time he sees Wes, myself, Reese or Stella he just lights up.  So adorable.

Thanks, Aunt Julie for the magnets and alphabet game.  It's a big hit!! 

Reese is SO independent.   Any time we try and help her do something, we get a swat and a No!

She finally figured out how to put her glasses on.  So cute, she loves wearing them.

Stella giving me a funny look.

Stella getting tickled.  She loves it!  Squeals so loud.  Need to get a video.

And here are a few pics of the apartment.  Pretty self explanatory.  This is the main floor, with living room, kitchen and dining area.  I didn't take pictures of the bedrooms....nothing to see:)

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