Thursday, May 30, 2013

more pictures

Lazy day.  I got some cute pictures.

Reese filling up her onesie with Jenga blocks.
So stinking cute...

You think Reese is too big for this?  She doesn't!

Playing the little musician

Sitting in my basket

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Took the kids to the park this morning with the babysitter.  Playing in the rocks is so much fun!!  Fill the bowl, dump the bowl, fill the bowl, dump the bowl.  Very entertaining to watch...

Drake is such an easy-going baby.  He sat in his stroller for an hour and a half watching the girls play.  Sometimes we would be off chasing them and it doesn't bother him at all.  He just gives us a big smile when we return.  Thanking my lucky stars for how laid back he is.

We were out-bid on the house we wanted.   This market is so crazy.  We are meeting with a builder some time next week to discuss that option.  I'll keep you posted.  Glad I love this apartment!!

Here are a few fun pics I took this past week.

at the park

love how Reese crosses her leg

What are you looking at?

Big Smile!!!!

Playing with Daddy's watch

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a nice 3 day weekend together.  On Saturday, we took the kids to the indoor pool again.  The outdoor pool is still too chilly for the kids.  I snapped a cute picture of Drake lounging in his float.  He is very comfortable in the water.

On Sunday morning, we went to Bible Study.  This Sunday was MUCH better than last Sunday.  Reese likes to say "nite nite" when everyone closes their eyes for prayer and she sings the hymns in her imaginary language.  Stella likes to play with stickers and put them on her arms and legs.  And Drake just smiles at everybody.  I found a few volunteers to hold him if he ever gets fussy so that's good to know who I can hand him off to.   After a long nap, we headed to Chris and Amy Hogan's house for a party.  The kids had a blast jumping in the bouncy house and chasing their dog around.  Both girls were much better around strangers, no hanging on to our legs and crying.  I left around 6 pm with the kids (and the babysitter we took with us...lifesaver!!!) and Wes stayed with Eliot, who had come to visit us for the weekend.

Monday was a lazy day.  Kids played inside for the morning while Wes drove Eliot around in the cruiser to see some of the neighborhoods we are considering.  Eliot left in the early afternoon and we threw the kids in the car and drove by a few houses we are interested in.  We are making an offer on a house in Great Hills.  It's a complete fixer-upper but the bones of the house are great.  High ceilings, good floor plan.  But the kitchen and all the bathrooms need to be gutted, as well as new windows, doors and flooring.  But if the price is right, it's totally worth it.  Would love to design a kitchen again.  Already posting some great ideas on Pinterest and Houzz.  Love both of those websites. 

I jinxed myself by praising Drake's sleeping habits.  He was up from 2:30 - 3:30 last night and I finally broke down and fed him a bottle.  Sigh.  Working on a schedule today to try and have a better night tonight.  He is saying "Da-da-da-da" a lot these days.  He wants to crawl but does the worm, instead. 

Stella is very sing-songy these days.  I can tell that she is trying to talk but when it proves too difficult, she sings in these little chirps.  She is also part monkey, climbing on everything.  Here is a video of her hanging off the couch until she falls.  Doesn't phase her and she did it about ten more times after that.

And I knew this day would come....I used to wish the girls would start talking so I could understand what they wanted.  Well, Reese has started and she is never going to stop!!!!  In the car, in the bathtub, at the pool, climbing the stairs - it doesn't matter what she's doing, there is a constant stream of jibber-jabber escaping her lips.  Her most frequent sayings:

"Sheer come" - here I come
"ah dum" - all done
"git choo" - I'm gonna get you
"where dee go?"  - where did he go?
"mah?" - more
"chichen" - kitchen - she is obsessed with food
"wa-wa" - water
"uh-oh shmeghsiehjks" - uh oh, spaghettio - the spaghettio part is pronounced different every time!
"sissy" or "ella" - her names for Stella

Here's a video of Reese dancing.  Sassy!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Busy, busy

Now that everyone is healthy and happy, we are settling into our daily routine.  Thought I would walk you through our day.

Drake wakes up first, between 5 and 6.  He gets a bottle, then I throw him in the swing and he usually goes back to bed.  Stella and Reese start babbling to themselves between 6 and 7.  A nice bonus is they will hang out in their crib for quite a while until Wes or myself go get them.  Another bonus is they still haven't figured out they can climb out of their crib.  No doubt they could if they tried (part monkey) but they don't seem interested.  We bring them downstairs for breakfast, their favorite meal of the day.  They can eat more than I can for breakfast, no joke.  They each get a banana, a breakfast bar and some fruit.  If Wes is doing breakfast, he will cook up some little smokies and eggs.  Stella is crazy for smokies, Reese for eggs.

Then the fun begins.  We play in the living room first.  I've worked out a good system with the toys that is working great.  We have TONS of toys so I've divided them into 7 boxes.  One box for each day of the week.  It has cut down on the huge mess of too many toys and the girls don't get bored because they are waking up to new toys every day.  Success!!!  While they are playing, Drake is either bouncing in his exersaucer or hanging with Momma.  After a couple of hours of playtime, I throw the girls and Drake in their high chairs.  The girls eat snack, then color and play with stickers.  I feed Drake and then he stares at the girls.

Back to playtime!!  A new favorite game is pulling all the pillows, cushions and blankets off the sofa and jumping onto them.  Both girls love doing it, and Reese says "Here I come!" about a thousand times a day.  Funny girl can't say anything once.  She repeats things over and over.

Lunch time is around 11:30.  The girls are quite settled in the routine so as soon as lunch is over, I hand them each a pacifier and they walk to the staircase and wait for me to open the gate.  So lucky that they love their naps!!  I can usually get Drake to go down for a nap at the same time as the girls, giving me a few minutes to myself.  I scarf down lunch and answer e-mails/phone calls.  (Wes and I laugh that we don't remember how to eat slowly because we are usually eating with someone climbing all over us.)

When the girls wake up, we usually play up in Stella's room for a bit.  It has the play kitchen and the table and chairs.  The girls are slowly starting to play more together, handing each other toys and doing puzzles together.  So sweet.  But it certainly doesn't come without their fair share of fights.  Reese is definitely getting better about not taking every toy Stella is playing with.  She's gotten enough pops on her behind to learn that's a no-no.

Some days, Wes finishes work early and we take the kids out for a walk.  They love being outside.  Reese always ask for her eyes (sunglasses) and Stella hums constantly in the stroller.

Dinner time is around 5:00, followed by everyone's favorite---Bath!!!!  Drake goes first, then Stella and Reese bathe together.   They would stay in their all night if we let them, but as soon as they are good and pruned, we pull them out kicking and screaming.  They both try to push the other one to the front of the tub to get picked up first.  We play in our pj's downstairs while Wes starts cooking dinner.  Between 6:00 and 6:30, we head upstairs for bed.

Drake gets us all to himself for the next hour.  He is still the happiest baby ever.  He smiles and laughs constantly.  He gets his last bottle of the day and down he goes.  Then I take a big SIGH and lay on the couch for a few hours.

So that's my exciting life!!!  It feels like Groundhog's Day some days but I'm thankful I get to watch my little ones grow up.  They are changing so much from week to week and I love watching every moment of it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Funday

Our complex has an indoor pool so thought I would take the girls for a swim today.  While my sitter watched Reese and Drake, I took Stella first.  She was amazing!!  It took her a few minutes to figure out how to stay upright while wearing the life vest but once she did, she was off!  She kicked around for 20 minutes while I followed her.  She kept saying "baf" and "bubu" for bath and bubbles.  Then I traded her for Reese.  I was shocked, but Reese was terrified of putting the vest on.  I finally gave up and carried her around the pool for a while.  She had a death grip on my neck.

Wes finished work early so I talked him into going with all 3 kids to see how it went.  Drake was as thrilled as Stella to be in the water.  He sat in his float and kicked, kicked, kicked.  The last few minutes we were there, I dropped Reese in the baby float and she actually liked that.  Glad I have two of those.  Reese and Drake can chill in the baby floats while Stella swims laps around them.  Hope these videos load for y'all to see.

This next video is HILARIOUS!!  Reese is very aware of potty time these days.  She does not like pooping in her diaper but also doesn't want to sit on the potty.  She usually hides in a corner while she does her business.  If we ask her if she is going poo-poo or if we need to change her diaper, the answer is always NO.  Make sure to turn up the volume before you watch this one - Reese's voice is kinda quiet.

And one more cute one...Drake has the best laugh ever.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Throwback Thursday!!

Looking at some old pics of the kiddos....seems like a million years ago.  I'll leave you with a few of my faves.

Lynda drove into town today.  Her friend Sue lives just a few miles from us so she will hang out with us during the day, then spend some time with Sue in the evenings.  The girls were excited to see their Nana!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Drake slept through the night!!

...14 hours!!!  I did have to pat his back twice when he woke up but no feedings.  He probably could have done this a month ago, but I've been picking him up every time he cries cuz he's so stinking cute!!

Reese has been talking a blue streak lately.  Still not sure what language she is speaking but it's hilarious.  Once in a while, she'll slip in some English.  Her favorite phrases:   "Where he go?"  - every time Wes goes upstairs to work, she asks this about ten times.  "Baf."  Rain, the lake, the pool, any body of water makes her say Bath.  She LOVES taking a bath.  "Bye-bye, foo foo."  Reese is very interested in going potty these days.  Any time she hears the toilet flush, she says bye bye, poo poo.  Every time we change her diaper, bye bye poo poo.  Guess it's time to buy a little potty!

Sweet sweet Stella.  She has been sleeping so great since we moved her.  It's made a big difference in her behavior.  No more crying fits or night terrors.  She is just a lot happier.  Still working on getting her language back but slow and steady!!

Let's see how many days it takes these videos to load.  Check back in a few days if they won't play.  Here is Reese doing her animal sounds.

Swinging at the park with Dad.

Sweet Stella

 Reese is in the habit of taking all her clothes off after we put her to bed.  At least she left her diaper on this time.

The house hunt....we lost another house yesterday.  Sigh.. outbid by another buyer.  And we thought our offer was still a little high.  Trying to be patient but it's hard!!!!   I know we'll find something eventually.  And I'm super happy in the apartment.  Loving the carpeted floors so the girls can run and tumble without getting too banged up.  Will keep you posted...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I think Reese has finally turned a corner.  She has been fever free since noon yesterday.  Woo-hoo!!!  And I had a great Mother's Day.  Wes took the night shift Friday and Saturday night, so I popped in my ear plugs and got a great night's sleep two nights in a row.  Ahhhhhhhhh.  Glorious:)

I found two great babysitters.  Both girls are education majors at a nearby college.   It will be great to have some help a couple mornings a week.  This morning, we took the kids to a nearby park.  Lots of room to run around, great playground and a swingset.  Reese loves playing in the rocks and climbing the stairs to go down the slide.  Stella loves being pushed in the swing and running, running, running.  It's a full time job chasing her around. So you all know how much she loves men...funny story.  There was an older asian couple at the playground walking the track and doing stretches.  They greeted us when we arrived and talked baby talk to Drake as he sat in the stroller..very sweet.  About 20 minutes later, the old man was up at the playground stretching.  Stella saw him from a distance and ran towards him.  When she got there, she held her arms up for him to pick her up.  So he did and she just smiled and smiled, looking him right in the face.  He held her for 2 minutes and she was just content looking at him.  Finally, I said "Ok, Stella.  Let's go play!"  And he put her down and off we went.  It was the funniest thing!!!  She didn't want anything to do with the babysitter but fell in love with the old man.  I wish I knew what was going through her brain.

So looks like my videos from a few days have loaded.  So I'll keep posting videos and pics.  Might take a few days for the videos to show up, will have to wait and see. 

Drake continues to be the sweetest, happiest baby.  Every time he sees Wes, myself, Reese or Stella he just lights up.  So adorable.

Thanks, Aunt Julie for the magnets and alphabet game.  It's a big hit!! 

Reese is SO independent.   Any time we try and help her do something, we get a swat and a No!

She finally figured out how to put her glasses on.  So cute, she loves wearing them.

Stella giving me a funny look.

Stella getting tickled.  She loves it!  Squeals so loud.  Need to get a video.

And here are a few pics of the apartment.  Pretty self explanatory.  This is the main floor, with living room, kitchen and dining area.  I didn't take pictures of the bedrooms....nothing to see:)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

On the mend

Didn't get around to posting last night.  But Reese had her surgery early yesterday morning.  Doctor said he cleaned a lot of fluid out of her ears before he put the tubes in.  She is still running a fever but we can tell she is feeling better.  She slept through the night last night and is finally eating.  She lost her juicy booty but I'm sure she'll get it back once her appetite picks up.  Today, we enjoyed a long walk through a nearby neighborhood.  Even at 85 degrees, it's pleasant outside.  Love it!!!  We are going to do a third walk-through on a house this afternoon.  I'll let you know if anything becomes of it.  The only downside to this house is it has no garage.  But the current buyer has already drawn up plans to build one (which we really like) and if we can agree on a price, I think we will go for it.  We will see.  No pics today - I'm on a different computer and don't have access to them.  Have a good weekend!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Journal of the American Medical Association

Starting to feel like this blog is going to be a daily digest of our ailments, aches and pains. Let's hope next week is different.

SO glad we had an ENT appointment scheduled for this morning.  Reese woke up burning hot and more miserable than ever.  She wouldn't even suck her pacifier, her throat hurt so bad.  (That's major!!  Girl loves her paci!)  Wes took her and said the doctor was really good with her.  He agreed that it's time for tubes since she keeps getting ear infections.  And he scheduled it for tomorrow morning at 6:15 am!   Wow!  As long as she doesn't wake up with a high fever, she will arrive at 6:15, surgery at 7:00 and leave by 8:00.  Surgery only lasts ten minutes and then she'll be in recovery while waiting for the anesthesia to wear off.  Fingers crossed she wakes up without a fever and everything goes smoothly.  I miss the old Reese!  Feel like I haven't seen her in a while.

Still having trouble uploading videos.  Going to have to enlist the help of computer genius Jill:)

So I'll stick to pictures today.  First, do they make them any cuter than this????????

Taped some printer paper to the high chairs and let Reese and Stella go wild with the crayons.

The girls playing with their train.   Right before they started screaming and fighting over one of the pieces.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hangin' in there

Reese woke up in the middle of the night with a fever of 102.7.   Sigh.  That's her highest fever yet.  I had to force medicine down her throat since she hates taking it but an hour later, she was fast asleep.  And sawing logs!!  That girl can snore!!  Wes is taking her to see an ENT tomorrow morning.  I assume it's time for tubes in her ears since she's had 3 ear infections back to back.  We will see.
Luckily, Stella has been sleeping great so that's one bambino I don't have to worry about at night right now.  Drake woke up to eat twice, but he's easy.  Eats and goes right back to bed.

Didn't take a lot of pictures today but thought I would try to post a video of each kiddo for your viewing pleasure.  Drake is loving tummy time and has learned to do the worm...

Here is Stella being sneaky.  Any time I leave the room, she finds somewhere she isn't supposed to be.

Here's a video of Reese from a few days ago.  All the videos of her from today have lots of crying and whining.  I'll save those for her wedding day.

Through my Mom's Club, I found a college professor who shared my info with her education students.  One of them called me and she is coming over on Friday to help me out with the kids and see if she is a good fit for a summer sitter.  Please please please let her be a good fit.  Mama needs a trip to Target and a nail salon!!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A loooooooooong day

Well, today was not quite as much fun as yesterday.  Today started about 10:00 pm last night, when Reese woke up crying.  She couldn't breathe very well (super snotty) and had a slight fever.  So we were up several times with her.  Wes was able to get a look in her throat and saw that it was swollen.  Found an Urgent Care Clinic close by and took Reese in.  Double ear infection and a very swollen throat.  What the what?????  This is her 3rd ear infection in a month.  Poor thing!!!  Needless to say, she wasn't happy.

She was SO sweaty from fighting off the nurse.  This little drama queen does not like going to the doctor.  After a dose of meds and much crying, she fell asleep on the floor.

But ice cream makes everything better.

On a positive note, Stella and Drake are all smiles and cute as ever.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

So here's my first attempt at blogging.  Posting tons of pics and videos on Facebook seems strange to me so I thought I would create a site where I can tell my family and friends about our day without filtering what I post.  Here is how today went down.  I decided to take the kids on a walk first thing this morning.  I have to carry the girls downstairs to the garage one at a time (they are great at going up stairs, suicidal going down) and put them in the stroller.  As I was climbing the stairs the second time to grab Drake, I noticed a putrid smell.  What had happened in the 60 seconds it took me to leave the room and load Stella?

This happened.  Drake was chilling, sucking him thumb, while poop ran down his chubby legs.  And then, this happened...

As I started to clean his legs, he started running and kicking, spreading it all over his exersaucer.  Right about now, Reese and Stella start whining from downstairs in the garage.  Reese is saying "Up, up, up" which means  "Let's get this show on the road or let me out of here, Mom."  Luckily, Wes was home and not on a call so he grabbed Drake and threw him in the bathtub while I cleaned the exersaucer and got ready for our walk.  

So here's a picture of the hill I have to climb to get to the main walking trail at the top of our complex.

I'm realizing pictures don't do it justice.  It is STEEP.  And I'm pushing/pulling this...

I should be in excellent shape in about 3 weeks.  People kept stopping in their car asking if I needed help.  But we made it to the top, enjoyed a little walk and even got out in a grassy spot to chase bubbles that I had luckily stashed in the stroller.  Going back down the hill was much more enjoyable.  

Reese wanted to wear my sunglasses when we got home.  

And Stella continues to "chill" whenever she is sitting in her high chair.  How does she do that while buckled in?????

That's it for today. 