Monday, March 30, 2015


Eating breakfast with Reese and Drake.

This scowl is becoming a permanent fixture on his face....terrible twos in action.

Reese - "Mommy, I'm giving you a hug...with my feet!"

Reese likes to play with Stella's hair and sometimes, Stella tolerates her.

Reese saw an Ariel bathing suit in Target and starting singing LOUDLY.  I couldn't resist buying it for her.  She wouldn't take it off, even at bath time.  "I need to try it out, mom!"

Reese dances like Elaine from Seinfeld.  I need to get a video and post it - hilarious.

A sweet moment between Reese and Drake.

And another one!!

We planted our garden this weekend.  Keeping it easy this year - a few types of tomatoes, cucumbers and squash.

Stella Bell in action.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Back from vacation

Jill, Julie, Danica and I had a great time in Mexico.  I think all 4 of us were more than ready for a vacation.  It was extremely low key and relaxing - laying in the sun all day, hanging in the hot tub and getting plenty of sleep.  I'm waiting for the girls to send me all their pictures and then I'll do a complete post.

Poor Wes was stuck with 3 sick kiddos the entire time I was gone.  Stella had a virus, complete with fever and difficulty sleeping.  Reese and Drake both had a fever and ear infections.  He certainly took one for the team this week.  Thanks, babe!!!

I arrived home at 7 pm.  Surprisingly, Reese and Drake were still awake so I got to see them.  Reese talked a blue streak while Drake just wanted to be held.  Now everyone is sleeping and I'm getting ready for bed.  Tomorrow will come bright and early.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Reading books

The teacher in me loves that all 3 of my kids love to read.  Drake's favorite thing to do is grab a book, cuddle in my lap and read together.  When I'm busy, he grabs a book and reads to himself.  Reese has started re-telling stories on her own, using the pictures.  And Stella still loves her farm animals book and can label tons of pictures.

Reese is having a tough time with LMNOP.

Drake testing out the blind sit-n-spin.

Reese is constantly pulling pretend splinters out of Drake's feet.

Stella crossing her legs.

Stella is getting so tall!!!

Oh, Reese.

Not my favorite toy....LOUD!!

I finally got rid of the high chairs and all 3 kids are sitting at the table.  It's actually going better than expected.

Stella likes to catch a ride whenever she can.

It was gorgeous yesterday so we spent most of the day on the deck with a quick visit to a nearby playground since our backyard is a mess.

Reese and Drake had a dentist visit last week.  They LOVE the waiting room.

Reese also loves getting her teeth cleaned.  Anything for some one-on-one attention.  And check out her outfit - she picked it all out by herself.  Down to the mittens and rain boots.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pool Party!!!!

Ok, ok, no pool party yet.  But a lot has happened and I am starting to envision our summer fun!!!!!  They finished the coping and the deck area.

Our pool pump is all set up over to the right.

They dropped off a truckload of limestone for the rear wall of the pool.

The wall is almost finished!!

You can see the blue tile along the top edge of the pool in the above pictures.  I assume the next step is the pebble finish for the bottom of the pool.  Then lots of clean-up.  I wonder how many wheelbarrow loads of rubble they will have to haul up the hill?

We had our second meeting with our landscaping guys.  Excited to see what they draw up for us.  We showed them this picture for an outdoor structure we have in mind.


Hope to get a kid post in tomorrow.  Stay tuned...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Rainy weekend

The pool is coming along. The foreman told Wes it could be finished in two weeks if the weather cooperates. EEK!!!

It's been a lazy weekend  - Stella has strep throat so lots of lounging and relaxing and TV.    Too much TV - I'm tired of Dora, Micky, Bubble Guppies, Sofia, Jake ....all of them!!!!!

Drake Reese and I were able to get out of the house Saturday morning for Giada's birthday party.   It's always fun to play with someone else's toys.

Happy Birthday, Giada!!

Reese got to play "Pin the Shell on the Mermaid."  I have a sneaking suspicion the kids could see through the blindfold since they ALL pinned the shell in the perfect spot.  Cuties.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I've been watching old videos of the kids and can't believe how much they've grown!!!  I have to share a few.

Look at those chubby little legs!!!!

I can't remember Drake being this small.

Jill, this one's for you.  It still makes me laugh until I cry:)

Winter Storm

They cancelled school for today - austinites are deathly afraid of driving when the temperature drops below 32 degrees and there is a remote possibility of snow or ice.  There is no snow, no ice.  My dentist appointment is cancelled since everyone in the office has kids so they are stuck at home with them.  Stella's therapy session is also cancelled.  It's 40 degrees and sunny outside.  Yeesh!

Wes had a hard time getting home yesterday - after several cancelled flights, he decided to fly to Dallas, rent a car and drive home.   That made for a very loooooong day.  He sat on the plane for 2 hours while it was de-iced (twice) then sat in awful traffic on I-35 from Dallas to Austin.  And he couldn't come straight home - he had to go to the Austin airport and pick up his car.  Then he got to sit in rush hour traffic to get home.  Poor guy.  I'm just glad he made it home.

Luckily, KK can work today so she is here and Wes and I hope to get some busy work done - knock out our taxes, do some electrical investigating (some of our plugs aren't working and we can't find the GFCI to reset them), and have lunch together.

Reese loves doing dot-to-dots.

We spend a lot of time at (or on) the kitchen.

The coping for the pool has arrived.  They take a measurement by the pool, walk up the hill to the front yard to cut a single piece, then haul it back down to lay it in place.  These guys are getting a work-out.

The pool pump was delivered and assembled and they dug a trench for the electrical cords.  I'm hoping the pool electrician comes today so I can steal him to look at our indoor issue.