Thursday, February 27, 2014

Reesie got a haircut!!!

Reese, Drake and I were cruising the mall while Stella was at school when I walked past a Super Cuts. Hmmm, Reese's bangs are constantly in her eyes and the back of her hair is "a mess!"  So I decided to treat Reese to her very first haircut!

And in Reese's own words, "I LUB it!!"  She looks adorable:)

Here are some other pictures from the mall.

In other news, our new windows arrived today!!!  They were supposed to start installing them yesterday but the weather was nasty.  It took them all day to install 3 windows upstairs - only 13 more to go!  They think it will go much faster tomorrow.   Here is a pic I took of Stella's room.  It doesn't really do it justice - getting rid of the center vertical bar that used to be there really opened up the view.  They look awesome.   And I have a feeling her room will be much warmer tonight than it usually is on a chilly night.

And here are some pictures KK took of the kids.

Stella chasing bubbles.

And Wes took this picture a while ago - I don't remember if I posted it.  I love how Drake is looking at Reese.  He adores her.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


We finally put the swings up in the front yard.  Both girls are slightly obsessed.  They can see them through the front door and first thing each morning, they run to the door.  Reese yells, "New swing, new swing!"  Today it was rainy outside so I had some unhappy campers.  But here's a picture from yesterday.

Stella loves her new puzzle set from Nana.  She is trying to say most of her shapes, usually getting the last syllable.  Rectangle is "gle" circle is "cle" but oval, she gets both syllables.

Our kids love their Mardi Gras beads.  And Reese loves to yell, "Mardi Graaaaaaaaaaaaaas!"

Drake continues to kick one leg out of his high chair.

So he can suck on his toes.  Yum!!

Family instagram:)

Reese has been enjoying playing soccer with her dad.  She's got some pretty strong legs.  Check out her form.  I think her knee touches her forehead.

Sleepy Drake.

Drake likes to talk to himself in the mirror.  I wish I could have captured it on video.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Poop and Pork Chops

That about sums up yesterday.  Wes was out of town, I was doing bath-time solo, and Stella pooped in the tub.  Reese FLIPPED out because she hates seeing "trash" in the tub, much less POOP.  She started screaming, "NO STELLA, NO POOPING IN THE TUB, YUCKY YUCKY TRASH.  MOMMA, GET IT, GET IT!!!"  All her screaming upset Stella.  Luckily, Drake was already out of the tub and in the playroom so I only had to wrestle two screaming kids out of the tub quickly.  Ahhhh, this only happens when Wes is out of town. 

Then, in an effort to eat better (healthier) since I realized I would like to wear a two piece bathing suit again, I decided to cook dinner.  The broccoli was delicious, the pork chops were awful.  Seriously, worst pork chops I've ever had.  I guess the best way for me to lose tummy fat is to have Wes leave town for a month and take my credit card with him.  If I couldn't eat out, I would probably starve myself by cooking awful meals. 

On a happier note, Nana came to Austin today.  We met her at Ross, where we snatched up half their toy department.  Then we took the 3 amigos to Chik-Fil'A to have some fun on the playground. 

Stella crawled in a basket of stuffed animals and read a book after her bath tonight. 

A few random photos - Here is Wes saying goodbye before we left for Mexico.

I had to get a urine sample from Stella and the baggie in the diaper trick was not working.  So I put her in a crawfish platter (which has since been washed THOROUGHLY) gave her a movie and some ice chips.  Success!!!

I got an e-mail from my mom's club in Houston to report they woke up to find their car in the driveway looking like this.  Yikes!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

To Mexico and back...

Jill came in town on Wednesday to hang out with the kiddos before we left.   (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU JILL!!!!!!)  Knowing her and KK were holding down the fort allowed us to truly enjoy our vacation.

We met Brian and Kirsten at the airport and two hours later, we were in MEXICO!!!  The drive from Cancun to Playa Del Carmen is less than an hour so we were at our hotel by 2:00 in the afternoon.  Plenty of sunshine left to enjoy.  We stayed at Be Playa, a cute modern hotel with really dim lighting.   Here is our room.

We walked around Fifth Street and found our first restaurant.  Delicious ceviche, crab croquettes and margaritas.  That pretty much sums up our diet the entire 3 days we were there.  Lots of ceviche, pico, and guacamole.  Saturday, we took the ferry across to Cozumel and rented scooters.  SO MUCH FUN!!!   We would just drive until we came upon the next beach bar and post up for a while.  The weather was perfect and with the help of 70 SPF, no sunburn!  

 Here's some video I took whilst scootering.

Sunday we enjoyed the rooftop pool at the hotel.  

Strike a pose -

We mixed it up and tried some different food on Sunday - found a great pizza place for lunch, Babe's Noodles dinner.  

And the best part of all, three nights of glorious, uninterrupted sleep.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

We left Monday and made it home just in time to see the kids before bedtime.  Their reaction was adorable.  Stella had the biggest grin while she hopped right past her mommy into daddy's arms.  Drake made a bee-line for Daddy, too.  And Reese had a spaz attack, yelling "Dada, Mama, Dada, Mama!" while spinning in circles and falling down.  

This morning, I was taking the kids to the grocery store and Reese started crying as we pulled out of the driveway.  I asked her what was wrong and she replied, "I want Jill come shopping."  I whipped out my phone and took this video.

Awwwwww.  Let us know when you are ready to come back, Jill:)