Monday, January 12, 2015

Let's play catch-up

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  From Christmas to New Year's, I was fighting a nasty sinus infection that kept getting worse and worse.  It ended with a bad ear infection and a trip to the ENT to have my ear drained.  Yuck!  But luckily, I shaped up just in time for a weekend getaway to New Orleans.  Wes was finishing up a business trip so I flew out on Friday to join him.  Our friends JJ and Sara (also from Austin) joined us for a weekend of fine dining.   First stop, Killer Po-Boy's for a shrimp po-boy.  Next was BBQ Shrimp from Mr. B's.  Dinner was a bit of a miss (we tried a new place called Bombay House) but they are just opening up so maybe they will get the kinks worked out.  Saturday, we had lunch at Domenica, an Italian joint with phenomenal food.  Truffle oil risotto, squid ink pasta, baked lasagna, octopus carpaccio, charcuterie plate, mushroom pizza, Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!   Jill and Byron drove in to pick up some coffee beans so we got to have dinner with them!!!   Byron recommended Meauxbar and it was a big hit.   We tried almost everything on the menu and it was all amazing.  We finished the weekend with a quick breakfast at Ruby Slipper (buttermilk biscuits, poached eggs, bacon, etc) before heading home to see our kiddos.

While we were eating beignets on Saturday morning, Sara got a call from her nurse with the sex of her baby.  (She is 3 months pregnant.)  She asked the nurse to call back and leave the gender on a voicemail and we would listen to it that evening.  We were wandering around the french quarter and came across a dive bar with a band playing.  It seemed like the perfect place for a gender reveal!!  We took Sara's phone on stage, put it on speaker and played it out loud.  "It's a GIRL!!!"  We celebrated with the finest $10 champagne, as seen in this photo.

The happy couple.


We bundled up for a horse-drawn carriage tour of the quarter.

Celebrity sighting at MeauxBar.

KK sent me plenty of pictures of kiddos.  On Saturday, she had a lunch date with Reese along with haircut and nail polish.  The pictures are adorable.

Stella is now wearing her hair in pigtails.  It is the cutest thing ever.

Reese found a ladybug in her bedroom.

Drake loves his baby dolls.

Stella loves to climb.

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