Saturday, November 29, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The kids are having fun "helping" Wes and I decorate the house.

I told Reese about her surgery this morning.  She is super excited to go to the hospital on Tuesday.  Poor thing will not be very happy when she wakes up.    I'll let y'all know how she does!!

Thanksgiving at Nana and Pop's

The kids did great on the 2 hour car ride to Houston.  Drake fell asleep, Stella played with the i-pad and Reese talked our ears off.    We had a great Thanksgiving meal and enjoyed some time outdoors.  We took a family picture so once I get a copy from Lynda, I'll post it.  

Drake got another little birthday celebration when he opened his gift from Heather's family.  A BIG thank you to Uncle Vince for assembling the car track.  The kids haven't stopped playing with it.  

The cold snap has passed so we are able to enjoy some outdoor time.  Drake loves his new dump truck.

Having fun with play-dough.

I can't keep this monkey off the counters.

Reese loves sitting next to the fire.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Grouchy elf

Drake can be quite particular, as seen here. If his breakfast bar breaks, he refuses to eat it.

And check out those cute pajamas.  All three kiddos have matching elf pj's, and they look so cute.  Drake finally ate the breakfast bar and put on his adorable face.

Meanwhile, Reese discovered Stella's new hiding spot.

When Stella is not hiding from Reese and Drake, she is showing off her basketball skills, including this awesome dunk.

Some more sweet dunks.

Reese keeps the zingers coming,   Earlier this week, she was trying to go #2 on the potty.  After 5 minutes, I told her to wash her hands and she could try again later.  She responded, "Yeah, my butt's not working."  What??????  "My butt's not working, Mama.  I can't poop right now."

Another morning, I went upstairs to get her out of bed.  As soon as I opened the door she announced, "Santa is not watching me, Mama.  He's watching you!"  I guess she's tired of us telling her Santa is watching when she is misbehaving.   But she has no problem when she is being a good girl.  Watch this video...

Our kitchen gets lots of sunshine in the morning, which allows us to see all the dust floating in the air.  And poor Reese thinks the dust is snow.  Ha!!

Speaking of dust, Reese is in desperate need of pizza dust so she can fly her broom.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.  We will head to Houston tomorrow and spend the day with Nana, Pop, Heather, Vince, Kayla, Ryan, Grandpa, Bernie, Rod and Sandra.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nana Comes for a Visit

The kids had a blast hanging with Nana on Monday and Tuesday.

Reese loves puzzles so she was excited to get some new 3D puzzles.  She does not like anyone to help her.  A funny exchange happened between Reese and Nana when Nana was offering her help and Reese kept pushing her away.

Nana said to Wes and I:  "Somebody (meaning Reese) doesn't want any help."
Reese responded immediately:  "Somebody doesn't need any help."

It was hilarious!

Reese also got a new Elsa wig.

And everyone got new slippers.

Stella hasn't taken off these Anna slippers (originally meant for Reese but Stella LOVES them) for days.

Drake's slippers are adorable, too.

Let's color!!

Where's Reese?

Drake was bugging me for a snack and when I wouldn't go get him one, he headed to the pantry and picked out a can of Campbell's soup.  Good luck with that, Buddy.

Stella LOVES tickle time.

Reese just might be the next Taylor Swift. #sarcasm


 Once in a blue moon, the kids will play quietly.


 Drake is about as easy to understand as Reese.


 Drake rocking new pajamas from Grandma, playing with balloons.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Drake turns 2!!

Wes set up the bounce house Saturday morning for Drake's birthday "party."  Unfortunately, Drake thought it was the scariest thing ever so he hid near the playground.   He wouldn't go near it!!

Time for presents...

 Here's Drake opening his gift from Grandma.  Definitely one of his favorites!!


And the balloons.  They are also at the top of his list.

Family picture;)

All About Drake:

Favorite food - macaroni and cheese
Favorite dessert - cookies, any kind!
Comfort item - his bunny and matching blankie - carries them everywhere
Favorite song - Wheels on the Bus
Best part of his day - seeing Daddy
Toughest part of his day - Drake gets cranky when he's hungry or sleepy
Favorite inside toy - balloons, new fish game, stacking toys
Favorite outside games - swinging, shoveling rocks, kicking balls

Drake's vocabulary is taking off.  Here's a list of his most popular phrases:  Dada, Mama, Reesie, Stella, NO, snack, eat, wa-wa, 'tato (potato/hash brown from McDonalds) blankie, bunny, paci(pacifier), moobie (movie), car, color, up, school.....He knows most of his shapes and colors.

Drake is almost as big as Reese.  He never misses a meal so I think he'll catch up to her soon.  Stella is still the tallest kiddo.  Drake adores both his sisters and imitates everything they do.  He enjoys going to "daycare" a couple of times a week and his teachers think he's pretty cute.  He still needs a nap every afternoon after lunch, often asking to go to bed after lunch.  He's a good sleeper at night, too.  While Reese and Stella can sit and watch a 30 minute video, Drake gets bored and gets up to go play.   99% of the time, he's a big sweetheart who loves to cuddle.  Of course, he has his whiny moments but don't we all!!  Love you, Drake!