Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spain - Part dos

Sunday - We slept in Sunday morning since we are still having trouble adjusting to the time difference.  Then we headed to a shopping mall situated on a harbor.  We bought some cute clothes for the kids and ate lunch overlooking the water.  Then we headed back to the hotel to relax on the roof-top terrace of our hotel.  For dinner, we decided to eat at the sister restaurant of an earlier favorite.  We weren't disappointed.  We sat at the seafood bar and picked our octopus, cockles, clams, shrimp, etc.  It was delicious!  On the way home, we walked past the Gaudi house (Antoni Gaudi is a famous Catalan architect) and decided to take a tour.  It was incredible!  Very whimsical and colorful, and I would never guess it was built in the late 1800's.

Monday - Up early to catch a train to Madrid.  We met Jake and Dana for lunch and tried a French restaurant for a change of pace.  Good move!!!  We enjoyed some amazing salads and some truffle oil ravioli.  Then the shopping began.  We basically shopped 'til we dropped this day.  We continued our date with Jake and Dana at dinner and had what might have been our best meal of the trip.  (Think the restaurant was Spanish for 5 Acorns.)  We had 3 different soups that were all divine (onion soup, a garlic soup, and a garbonzo bean soup), more Iberico ham, mushrooms, cheese, the list goes on and on.

Tuesday - Slept in, then enjoyed another shopping day.  Wes bought a beautiful suit and a sports coat from an Italian men's shop.  He had a blast joking with his tailor, Fabio.  And Fabio definitely enjoyed playing dress up.  For dinner, we took the recommendation of our concierge and headed to Alabaster.  More delicious food.  MUST.  STOP. EATING!!!!!!!

Wednesday - Relaxing day, met up with Jake and Dana again.  This tired lady went to bed early in preparation for our 7:00 am flight.  Thursday morning, our flight left at 7:00 am so we were up super early.  This time, we flew to London, before catching our connecting flight to Austin.  And of course, we can't manage a flight without some drama.  Ten minutes after taking off from London, the pilot came over the intercom.  "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.  You may have noticed a loud noise if you were sitting in the rear of the aircraft.  During our ascent, our aircraft was struck by lightning.  This is actually quite common, and it will probably just leave a mark on the paint.  So no problems and we will continue our flight."  There was a collective gasp the second he said "struck by lightning."  Glad I didn't hear that noise or see that flash of light.  Ten hours later, and we were on the ground.  It was 4:00 pm so we were excited to hurry home and see the kiddos before bedtime.  And boy, were they excited to see us!!!!!!  Reese was cheering, "Our family, our whole family!!!!" while they tackled us and gave hugs and kisses.

Our trip was absolutely amazing and the best part was knowing our kids were doing great so we could relax and enjoy ourselves.  Thanks again to Lynda, Steve, Jill and KK for making this possible. Hopefully, tomorrow I can post some pictures of the trip.

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