Friday, October 24, 2014

catching up

I know, I know, I'm SO behind on blog posts.  Let's do a  quick catch-up.  Spain was awesome and I still need to sort through my pictures and post them.  A few days after we got home, Mom and Dad came in town.  It was the week of Georgetown convention so Mom watched the kids so I could attend some meetings in peace.  Glorious!  Reese and Drake made it to a few meetings, too.  As always, I had a honey-do list for Dad to keep him busy.  Here are his little helpers.

Taking a break after the hard work of playing with Grandpa's flashlight.

Stella relaxing with Grandma.

After my parents left, Michelle Erard and sweet Maggie came for a visit.  Reese loved playing with her, though she couldn't figure out if she was a boy or a girl.  "He a girl or he a boy?"  Guess that bald head had her confused, which is pretty ironic since she was a baldie too.  Michelle commented that she thinks Maggie looks like Reese did when she was a baby - both have porcelain skin, blue eyes and bald heads.  Maggie has some eyelashes that go on for miles.  She's a pretty little thing, and super petite!!

So Reese is obsessed with Christmas and Santa.  Seriously, OBSESSED!  Which is funny, because it's not something we talk about.  But she's learned a few songs about Santa from her nursery rhymes DVD and now she can't stop talking about him.  It doesn't help that we see him everywhere we go.  We went to Lowe's this week and Santa had his sleigh parked out front.  Reese walked over and had a conversation with him.  People were stopping and listening to her talk to him, it was so funny.  Wish I had it on video.  The conversation went something like this - "Hi Santa.  I Reese.  I 3 years cold.  And Santa is working.  And Santa is Christmas.  And I like Elsa.  And Santa bring me the Elsa doll.  And Santa is far, far away.  And I cannot drive to him.  Cuz Santa is far, far away.  OK?  Hi Santa.  I Reese.  And Mama and Drake.  And we shopping.  And Santa is working."  It went on and on.

After our trip to Lowes, we headed to the playground.

And here are some random pictures of my sweeties.  I think I've mentioned Reese's new friend in our Sunday morning meeting, Giada.  She asks me to do her hair like Giada every Sunday.

Drake sorting hair bows.

Stella playing the piano with her toes.

Stella can draw an awesome pig.

Here is one she drew on the Magna-Doodle.

She loves heights.


Reese loves to climb trees.

I've got some excellent cleaners:)

Stella is doing a mash-up of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Five Little Ducks."  

Jill sent this video of Drake "accidentally" dropping his apple.  "UH-OH!!!"

I don't remember if I shared my headbangers video.

All for now!!!  Looking forward to a gorgeous weekend filled with yard work:)

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