Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Reese continues to crack me up on a daily basis.  She loves to point out every single red light, green light or yellow light when we are driving.  When Jill was visiting, she learned to sing about the color of the lights.  It sounds something like this - "Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeed liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight means stooooooooooooooooooooop.  Mommy stoooooooooooooooooop.  Green arroooooooooooooooooow.  GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Mommy, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" This morning, we were driving to Kids Club and I was waiting to make a left turn across two lanes of traffic.   "Mommy, the light is green.  You need to go!"  "Yes, it is green, but I'm waiting on the cars on the other side of the road."  "But green means GO!"  "Well, I think I'm going to have to wait for a green arrow before I go."  "SIGH!!!!!!!!"   Later today, I was making a right turn at a red light.  "MOMMY, NOOOO!!  Red means stop!!"  I love having a new backseat driver.  At least she tells me to go fast instead of slow down!

Reese has a little virus.  She started with a runny nose yesterday and was coughing in her sleep last night.  At lunch today, she asked me to go to bed.  This coming from the girl who hasn't napped in 6 months.  I put her down at noon and had to wake her up at 3:30.  She has a low grade fever but seems to be feeling a little better after a good rest.  Drake woke up with a runny nose today so I'm guessing he will be feeling bad tomorrow if he follows in her footsteps.  Oh, one more thing about Reese.  As I'm sitting in bed typing this, I hear her coughing on the monitor.  I grabbed some water to take upstairs.  As soon as I opened her door, she popped up and said, "Thank you, Mommy.  Now go back to your bed."  I said, "But I just wanted to check on you because you're  coughing."  "Yeah, but it's dark outside so you have to go to your bed."  Alrighty, then!

Stella isn't feeling great, either.  Her meds are making her a bit irritable.  She is also very hyperactive.  She's had two rough nights since we started the steroids a week ago, but even those nights weren't terrible.  She had 2 or 3 wake-ups each night.  Hopefully, that's the worst of her symptoms.

So we are just trying to get healthy over here.  Fingers crossed this little virus is short lived.

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