Monday, July 28, 2014

Reese Erin Davis

Reesie Piecie.  Princess.  Chatterbox.  Let's talk about Reese!!

This girl keeps us in stitches.  She has a fantastic sense of humor, coupled with the cutest expressions.    Her current expressions are:
"It's a big deal, mama."  Trust me, it's not a big deal.
"Pizza dust."  Pixie dust.
"Are you ok?" and "Don't worry, Mama."  She is very caring.
"I wuv my famwee!"  She is always talking about her extended family members.
"What the what?"  When she is confused, she says this.
"Slow down, daddy.  Slow down."  Wes was trying to get her to come downstairs and eat dinner and she says this.
"MOMMY, DADDY, REESIE, STELLA, DRAKIE, FAMILY!!!!"  Reese loves to announce this whenever we are all in the same room together.
"Our house Davis."  When we pull into the driveway, she announces it.

There are a million more I'm forgetting because Reese is ALWAYS talking.  From the moment she wakes up, while riding in the car, eating her lunch, sitting on the potty, until she falls asleep - that little mouth keeps moving.  It's especially frustrating whenever I answer the phone in front of her.  "I talk to her?  Who is it?  Can I say hi?  What her doing?  My turn.  Mama, give me the phone.  I need it."   I feel a little sorry for her future kindergarten teacher.  

Reese loves going to daycare, or "Reesie's school."  She sits next to the teacher and talks her ear off.  Then she heads off to play with Drake and her friends.  She also loves shopping.  She asks me daily to take her shopping.   We have spent many an hour browsing the aisles at Target.

Sleeping - Reese is a champion sleeper.  She falls asleep around 8:00 pm and snores until we wake her up around 8:00 am.  She does great in her big girl bed.  She crawls into bed with a stack of books and reads herself to sleep.

TV - We have a junkie on our hands.  Reese loves watching her shows.  Dora is her favorite, followed closely by Peppa Pig and Jake & The Neverland Pirates.  Also, she is obsessed with the Disney movie Frozen.  She must have watched it at daycare first - she came home singing this song over and over and over - "For the first time, forever."  I asked the teacher what it was from and recorded it at our house.  Reese is thrilled!!  She loves to read.  This little girl probably flips through fifty books a day.  She is always up for a game of chase with Drake and Stella.  She loves swimming.  Ah, that brings to mind another funny saying.   I was explaining sunscreen to her, and ever since then she says, "No, no, sun.  Don't burn Reesie."  Her other favorite game is dress-up.  A princess, a bumblebee, or mittens/coat/hat ensemble - girlfriend loves to pretend.

Reese is our most adventurous eater.  She loves trying her daddy's cooking, with her favorites being pulled pork, jambalaya and gumbo.  She will try a bite of anything and says, "I can't like it" or "I wub it!"  She loves using the potty like a big girl and collecting coins for her giraffe bank.

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