Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Drake Corbin Davis

I want to dedicate a post to each munchkin and share a typical day, plus a bit about their personality.  I'll start with Drake.  He is 20 months old.  His nicknames are Bud, Buddy, and Drakie.

Drake is sleeping great these days.  He goes down at 6:00 and usually plays in his crib for a half hour before passing out.  He still takes a pacifier at bedtime, and always flips it upside down.  He loves to sleep with his stuffed Carly dog or a soft blanket.  He is our earliest riser, waking up between 6 and 7.  But he wakes up happy and plays with the toys in his crib until we come get him.  His crib currently resides in the guest room so any time we have company, he gets relocated to our closet.  He needs a very dark room to sleep so it works out well.

Drake is always hungry.  If he sees you eating, he wants a bite.  The second his tray is empty, he starts whining for more, while doing his sign for more (touching his fingers together).   When he decides he needs a drink of water (which usually happens when he has a mouth full of food) he spits all the food out, takes a drink, and then picks up the pile of half-eaten mush and puts it back in his mouth.  He's done this ever since he started eating solid foods.  So funny.

Drake is talking all the time.  His favorite word is "NO!"  He says it all the time, even when he means "yes."  He is a sponge and soaks in everything I'm teaching his big sisters.  So he is already naming his shapes and his colors.  He is my most independent player.  He will grab a box of magnets and play with them for quite a while, putting them on the board or putting them back in the box.  He likes to fill buckets, dump them and fill them again.  He has also started pretend play in our toy kitchen.  He gets a plate and some food, takes it to the table and sits in a chair.  Then he pretends to eat.  He likes to cram the food in my mouth, too.  When I take a pretend bite, he says "Mmmmmmmmm."  He loves following Reese and Stella around.  He is finally standing up to Reese when she takes his toys.  He lets out a screech and pushes her until he gets his toy back.  Reese is not happy with this latest development.  She now has to share her status as bossy pants.

Drake usually takes a nap each afternoon from noon to 3 but can also be fine without it.  If he's still playing in his crib after an hour, I release him back into the wild.  He is such a cuddle bug - he loves to be held.  If he had his way, Wes would carry him around all day long.  And he is definitely a daddy's boy.  If Wes is in the room, Drake is by his side or in his lap.

He is a bit of a scaredy-cat.  While he wants to be independent in some ways (doesn't want me to open wrappers for him), he won't go down a step without holding onto my hand.  Even if we are stepping off a teeny-tiny curb, he reaches up for my hand.  Every time we go swimming, it takes him a few minutes to get comfortable in the water.  When we go through the car wash, he screams and cries.  (Note to self:  stop taking Drake through the car wash!!  I always forget until we are inside and the wailing starts.)

Toys - Drake loves anything with a ball.  He likes stacking things and filling containers up.  He loves Legos and he likes to read books.   While his sisters could watch tv all day long, Drake gets bored after a few minutes and heads for the toy box.    Outside, he loves to throw rocks, go down the slide, and run.

Well, that's my sweet boy!!  I have a feeling I'll read this post in a few months and realize he's growing up too fast.   Love you, buddy!!!

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