Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dusting off my fancy camera

I ran across my SLR camera and decided to take some pics.  Stella is the perfect subject!!  Look at this beautiful face.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reese Erin Davis

Reesie Piecie.  Princess.  Chatterbox.  Let's talk about Reese!!

This girl keeps us in stitches.  She has a fantastic sense of humor, coupled with the cutest expressions.    Her current expressions are:
"It's a big deal, mama."  Trust me, it's not a big deal.
"Pizza dust."  Pixie dust.
"Are you ok?" and "Don't worry, Mama."  She is very caring.
"I wuv my famwee!"  She is always talking about her extended family members.
"What the what?"  When she is confused, she says this.
"Slow down, daddy.  Slow down."  Wes was trying to get her to come downstairs and eat dinner and she says this.
"MOMMY, DADDY, REESIE, STELLA, DRAKIE, FAMILY!!!!"  Reese loves to announce this whenever we are all in the same room together.
"Our house Davis."  When we pull into the driveway, she announces it.

There are a million more I'm forgetting because Reese is ALWAYS talking.  From the moment she wakes up, while riding in the car, eating her lunch, sitting on the potty, until she falls asleep - that little mouth keeps moving.  It's especially frustrating whenever I answer the phone in front of her.  "I talk to her?  Who is it?  Can I say hi?  What her doing?  My turn.  Mama, give me the phone.  I need it."   I feel a little sorry for her future kindergarten teacher.  

Reese loves going to daycare, or "Reesie's school."  She sits next to the teacher and talks her ear off.  Then she heads off to play with Drake and her friends.  She also loves shopping.  She asks me daily to take her shopping.   We have spent many an hour browsing the aisles at Target.

Sleeping - Reese is a champion sleeper.  She falls asleep around 8:00 pm and snores until we wake her up around 8:00 am.  She does great in her big girl bed.  She crawls into bed with a stack of books and reads herself to sleep.

TV - We have a junkie on our hands.  Reese loves watching her shows.  Dora is her favorite, followed closely by Peppa Pig and Jake & The Neverland Pirates.  Also, she is obsessed with the Disney movie Frozen.  She must have watched it at daycare first - she came home singing this song over and over and over - "For the first time, forever."  I asked the teacher what it was from and recorded it at our house.  Reese is thrilled!!  She loves to read.  This little girl probably flips through fifty books a day.  She is always up for a game of chase with Drake and Stella.  She loves swimming.  Ah, that brings to mind another funny saying.   I was explaining sunscreen to her, and ever since then she says, "No, no, sun.  Don't burn Reesie."  Her other favorite game is dress-up.  A princess, a bumblebee, or mittens/coat/hat ensemble - girlfriend loves to pretend.

Reese is our most adventurous eater.  She loves trying her daddy's cooking, with her favorites being pulled pork, jambalaya and gumbo.  She will try a bite of anything and says, "I can't like it" or "I wub it!"  She loves using the potty like a big girl and collecting coins for her giraffe bank.

Stella Rose Davis

Stella Bella.  Stella Bell.  Sweet girl.  Monkey.  These are Stella's nicknames.

Stella is in a cuddly phase right now.  She wants to be carried around everywhere, kinda like Drake.  She especially wants to be held if we are holding someone else.  For the past few months, she has turned into a Mama's girl.  I call her my shadow - if I'm in the room, she is right on my heels asking to be picked up.

Stella hasn't napped in months so when 6:00 rolls around, she is ready to go to bed.   After bath time, we play in Reese's room.  All we have to do is mention the word "night-night" and she runs to the door, ready to climb in bed.  She HAS to have a lightweight blanket that she balls up in one hand and drapes it across her head.  She sleeps with a pacifier (no judgement!) and I usually send her to bed with a book or a puzzle.  She is still in the habit of waking up most nights between midnight and 2:00 and staying awake for a while.  She sings to herself, reads her book, or does her puzzle.  Once in a while, she will start crying but that hasn't happened much lately.  If she does, Wes or myself goes upstairs to comfort her and give her some water.  She wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 most mornings.

Stella is our singer.  She sings while she eats, while she plays, in her car seat, in the pool, everywhere!!  She's also a giggler.  She'll be reading a book and giggle away - wish I could hear the comedy routine playing in her head.

Stella has been very chatty lately.  She likes to label animals, animal sounds, colors, and shapes.  Today, I heard her sing the entire alphabet!!  Her other favorite songs are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald and If You're Happy and You Know It.  She goes to First Leap 4 mornings a week to get speech and behavioral therapy.  We are currently working on two word phrases, like "Up, Mama" and "want water."  She will start school on August 25th.  She will have her own driver and a teacher's assistant that will pick her up from our house, drive her to school and drop her back off.  Woo-hoo!!!  That will be 5 mornings a week, from 8:00 to 12:00.  The school system here is AWESOME!!!!

Stella's favorite toys - She loves a set of flashcards we bought her.  She empties it on the couch, then names each one as she puts in back in the box.    She likes trains and cars.  She loves to read books.  But most of all, she loves to do gymnastics.  She is always climbing on furniture, doing headstands, rolling and flipping.    I think it's time to find her a gymnastics class.  Stella loves to watch movies - her favorites are episodes of Dora and Little Einsteins.  She also likes YouTube collections of nursery rhymes.

Stella is not a happy camper when she in hungry.  She gets very cranky and whiny when it's time to eat - reminds me of her mama!!  As long as she has a full belly, she is content to wander around the house looking for something to climb on.  Until I come into the room - then she turns into my shadow.  But I don't mind.  That's my sweet Stella Bell.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Drake Corbin Davis

I want to dedicate a post to each munchkin and share a typical day, plus a bit about their personality.  I'll start with Drake.  He is 20 months old.  His nicknames are Bud, Buddy, and Drakie.

Drake is sleeping great these days.  He goes down at 6:00 and usually plays in his crib for a half hour before passing out.  He still takes a pacifier at bedtime, and always flips it upside down.  He loves to sleep with his stuffed Carly dog or a soft blanket.  He is our earliest riser, waking up between 6 and 7.  But he wakes up happy and plays with the toys in his crib until we come get him.  His crib currently resides in the guest room so any time we have company, he gets relocated to our closet.  He needs a very dark room to sleep so it works out well.

Drake is always hungry.  If he sees you eating, he wants a bite.  The second his tray is empty, he starts whining for more, while doing his sign for more (touching his fingers together).   When he decides he needs a drink of water (which usually happens when he has a mouth full of food) he spits all the food out, takes a drink, and then picks up the pile of half-eaten mush and puts it back in his mouth.  He's done this ever since he started eating solid foods.  So funny.

Drake is talking all the time.  His favorite word is "NO!"  He says it all the time, even when he means "yes."  He is a sponge and soaks in everything I'm teaching his big sisters.  So he is already naming his shapes and his colors.  He is my most independent player.  He will grab a box of magnets and play with them for quite a while, putting them on the board or putting them back in the box.  He likes to fill buckets, dump them and fill them again.  He has also started pretend play in our toy kitchen.  He gets a plate and some food, takes it to the table and sits in a chair.  Then he pretends to eat.  He likes to cram the food in my mouth, too.  When I take a pretend bite, he says "Mmmmmmmmm."  He loves following Reese and Stella around.  He is finally standing up to Reese when she takes his toys.  He lets out a screech and pushes her until he gets his toy back.  Reese is not happy with this latest development.  She now has to share her status as bossy pants.

Drake usually takes a nap each afternoon from noon to 3 but can also be fine without it.  If he's still playing in his crib after an hour, I release him back into the wild.  He is such a cuddle bug - he loves to be held.  If he had his way, Wes would carry him around all day long.  And he is definitely a daddy's boy.  If Wes is in the room, Drake is by his side or in his lap.

He is a bit of a scaredy-cat.  While he wants to be independent in some ways (doesn't want me to open wrappers for him), he won't go down a step without holding onto my hand.  Even if we are stepping off a teeny-tiny curb, he reaches up for my hand.  Every time we go swimming, it takes him a few minutes to get comfortable in the water.  When we go through the car wash, he screams and cries.  (Note to self:  stop taking Drake through the car wash!!  I always forget until we are inside and the wailing starts.)

Toys - Drake loves anything with a ball.  He likes stacking things and filling containers up.  He loves Legos and he likes to read books.   While his sisters could watch tv all day long, Drake gets bored after a few minutes and heads for the toy box.    Outside, he loves to throw rocks, go down the slide, and run.

Well, that's my sweet boy!!  I have a feeling I'll read this post in a few months and realize he's growing up too fast.   Love you, buddy!!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dance Party

I captured a few seconds of our daily elevator (or alligator, as Reese calls it) dance party when we take Stella to school.

Reese playing baseball.

We are spending the day in Houston tomorrow.  Reese is super excited to see her "famwee" and we are excited to see Heather and Vince's new house.  Especially the pool;)  

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lunch Date

Reese and I enjoyed a lunch date yesterday.  She was SO cute at the restaurant.  When they brought her drink, she turned and said "Thank you very much."  I'm going to start calling her Miss Manners.  Later, one of the waiters brought her a balloon.  Once again, "Ooooh, thank you, thank you.  I lub balloons!!!!"  Later, a different waitress stopped by our table to tell me that the entire waitstaff was talking about Reese and how cute she was.

After lunch, I decided to seek out the closest library and get a card.  Reese was in heaven, surrounded by books.

I've got a house full of readers.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Slow Motion Fun

I haven't used the slow-motion feature on my phone in a while so this past weekend, I made a point to get some videos.

Reese still loves to pull our Davis family picture off the shelf and go through the names. She gets Heather and Kayla confused sometimes and she has a crush on Vince, or Bince as she calls him. She will say, "I miss Bince. I miss my family." Pretty funny. I'm anxiously awaiting my pictures from the New Orleans photographer so I can teach her the names of her other cousins.

Drake reading his book.

This video doesn't capture it but Stella walks in heels about as well as her mama does. Not so great:)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Feels like the circus

And each child has their own ring. Things are busy over here.

Reese hanging out.

Drake organizing the tupperware drawer.

Reese has quite the imagination.  Here she is pretending to be a lion.


And making a shirt for her owl cup.

Here is her owl carrying a purse.

Reese is obsessed with collecting gold doubloons "loose change" every time she uses the potty.

Stella working on Daddy's computer.

Drake and Stella building houses.

Drake reading books.

Stella and Drake watching the i-Pad.

See Stella's artwork in the bottom left corner?

She loves drawing circles inside circles inside circles.

I'll post some videos tomorrow.

Friday, July 11, 2014

More pictures

I went through the pictures on Wes's phone and found some to share.

Drake passed out in New Orleans.

Dinner at Commander's Palace.

Stella at the airport.

Playground fun.

On a walk with Daddy.


Opening gifts from Auntadean.

Monday, July 7, 2014


I have a few videos to share.  Stella has been imitating the "map song" from Dora the Explorer.  So cute.  You can hear her saying "tree" near the end.

I was playing peek-a-boo with Drake and Reese decided to join in.  

Drake was playing with Legos this morning.  He would get one Lego at a time, then take it to his table.  When he saw me taking a video, he said "No, no" and came over to spank me.  No paparazzi for this guy.

Anadean is here for a visit and she brought everyone goodies from her travels.   All the kids scored adorable slippers.  I don't have pictures of all of them yet, but check out Stella in the bunny slippers.

Wes bought the kids a baseball tee and bat.  They are a big hit!!

Cuddling with Drake while he watches a movie over Stella's shoulder.