Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another week flew by

After dropping Stella off at school on Friday, I took the other two kids to a duck pond.  I was shocked that Drake wasn't afraid of them.  He chased them around, yelling quack quack.  This is the kid that is afraid of the mini carousel at the mall, afraid of our plastic pool, deathly afraid of dogs.  And you'll notice Reese carrying her bug barn purse.  While she is terrified of most bugs, she's developed a fondness for rolie-polies.  So when we saw this at the Target dollar spot, we had to get it.  She loves collecting them and putting them in their new house.  Now let's see if I can remember to set them free every night!!!

Selfies with my boy.  He cried the first time I put him on top of the cow but finally warmed up.

Reese is having fun making friends each time we go to the playground.  She walks up to kids and asks them to play.  So cute.  She also likes talking to adults.  She puts her hand on her hip and talks a blue streak, with every fifth word being English.

After one particularly active day, Reese and Drake crashed watching a movie while I fixed lunch.

Reese and Stella coloring together.

Here is a video of Stella counting while she colors.

Finally, a tour of Reese's room/playroom.

We took the kids to Riverplace Country Club, which is a couple miles away.  They had a blast in the pool so I think we are going to join, at least for the summer months.  They have unlimited childcare if I stay on site so I could drop Stella at school, drop Reese and Drake in the Kids Club, and swim laps.  Then read a magazine by the pool (sounds glorious) and still have time to let Reese and Drake swim for a bit before heading home.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day weekend

We've been busy over here.  We had company Thursday, Friday and Saturday - Andrea Jensen and Rachel Jagielski.  The kids were excited to have company/an audience.   There was lots of singing, dancing, and showing off.

Saturday, we re-arranged Reese's room.  We ordered her a big girl bed with a trundle bed underneath.  She was SUPER excited about getting back into a real bed.  Poor thing has been sleeping in a crib since we handed her bed over to Stella.  Stella has been doing great sleeping in her bed.  We took the tent out of her room and she is happy to stay in bed now.  Whew!!  Drake is still sleeping in a pack-n-play.  He actually prefers it to a bigger crib.  Funny kid.   Overall, night-time is going better.  Reese and Drake are consistently sleeping through the night - Stella wakes up once now and then.  But she isn't having night terrors so that's progress.

Reese is still dressing up every day - she bounces between being a princess, a rock star, and a bumblebee.

We enjoyed some more pool time before the rain came.  Looks like this week will be an indoor week.

Here comes the rain...

Hanging in the playroom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pool party

Summer fun has begun...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Princess in the house!

When we were in Houston last week, Reese was given a bag of princess clothes from Auntie Heather and Cousin Kayla.  These went along perfectly with her birthday gift from Auntie Julie, some princess heels.  (Which she calls "slipperies").   This is what Reese looks like these days.

The weather is beautiful and we are enjoying lots of outdoor time.

Drake's shirt is the cutest:  "I still live with my parents."

Here we are at a nearby park.

And here is some indoor fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


This is a Reese'ism.  She loves a good game of peek-a-boo, or kick-a-boo as she calls it.  Maybe I've mentioned before that fingers are gingers and four is whore and five is hive.  Maybe I need to start working on the "f" sound.  Here is her garbled singing:

And Old McDonald had a harm - not a farm, a harm.

Stella really likes a family photo we took a couple of weeks ago in Houston.  I find her climbing the shelves to get a better look.

The first time I took it down for her, she grabbed my hand and pointed right at Nana.  I tried to re-create the moment and catch it on video but this time, she decided to count.

Stella has been choosing Mommy over Daddy lately (shocker!!!) and we had a sweet moment the other day playing with her magic wand.  Luckily, Daddy was there to snap some pics.  I even got a kiss!!

Reese has never chosen Mommy over Daddy.  When Daddy asks for a kiss, she doesn't hesitate.  If I ask for one right after that, she declines.  Here she is, loving on her daddy.

What a stinker.  Good thing she is cute.

Our new favorite place to play is on the stairs.  No tumbles/cracked skulls yet.

Our garden is coming along.  Wes is going to pull some weeds this weekend before they take over.