Monday, October 21, 2013

Let's go outside!!!

This is why we moved to Austin.  We are having so much fun in our backyard.  We can play outside for hours and never break a sweat.  The kids are loving all the room we have to run around.   Reese and Stella have already learned the areas that they can play in and the areas that are off limits.  They might need a reminder once in a while, but overall I can sit back and watch them play without having to chase them.   The first area they love to play is where the playground equipment is.  Steve and Lynda brought our Houston plastic playground to us and the previous owners left one for us.  So we have two!!   Wes also hung a swing in that area.  The girls love to slide and swing.  (On this particular day, Stella found a pet rock that she carried around all day, as you will see.)

Next to the playground is a bush covered in small colorful flowers.  Both girls love sticking their nose into the bush to get a sniff.  

Another favorite is chasing footballs in the flat, green space and running a lap around their track.  Down the stairs, around the gravel path, up the other staircase, then back to where you started.  Reese runs this track about 20 times a day.  Surprised she still has a bootie left.  

Another play spot is down the hill at the fire pit.  The girls like to gather piles of acorns on the stone bench.   And you'll notice the "Relax" sign hanging on the tree.  That is Wes's early birthday present.  We spotted it 2 months ago while furniture shopping and Wes really liked it.  I kinda shrugged my shoulders and acted indifferent.  But inside, I was thinking "That is the perfect birthday surprise!!  I'll hang it when he's out of town!!!)  So while Anadean was here, we made plans to hang it while the kids were napping.  And just as I was going in the garage to grab it, the garage door opened.  Wes was home early!!!!  So I made him hide in his office and wait until we had it up.  Not quite the surprise I was hoping for.... I had planned on not saying a word and waiting until he noticed it.  Whatever!!  Still love the sign.  And he did too!!!!

And while we are cruising around the yard, poor Drake is stuck in his exersaucer watching all the action.  But he doesn't seem too upset about it.

Here's a picture of Reese working on her i-pad next to Dean, her new best friend.  

And here's a sweet one of Daddy reading with Reese.  

Videos - Here is Drake standing up.  SOOOOOO close to walking.  

And Drake laughing.

The girls love to take turns going down the slide.

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