Friday, June 28, 2013

It's HOT outside!!

100 degrees every day this week.  But it still doesn't feel anything like Houston.  Wes and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate our anniversary (which we both remembered!!) and were comfortable sitting outside for a while.  Amazing what a difference humidity (or lack therof) makes.

So what's new?  Reese is cracking us up with her non-stop talking.  She calls Wes "Wes" and Drake "Buddy."  And she just never stops talking.  Never, ever, ever.  When Julie was here and slept in her room, she said Reese even talks in her sleep.  Not a big surprise.   Stella is still our swimming champion, although Reese is catching up. We love huffing up the hill to the pool in the late afternoon.  The pool isn't crowded and the sun isn't too brutal.   This is the best tan I've had in a few years.  Hopefully, that means I won't fry in Cabo next week!!  And Drake is consistently sleeping through the night!!!  We put him upstairs in the office at nighttime and he sleeps so much better.  Bet that real mattress is more comfortable than his pack and play mattress.

Here are some videos from the week.  Drake is crawling faster and faster every day.

Stella reading her book.  I think she is saying "all done" at the end, very slowly.  Any talking she does  is just the first sound of the word.  Bath is Ba, Ball is Bu, All Done is Ah Du.

I might have posted this one already...Reese making Drake laugh.

Monday, June 24, 2013


I'm behind on pictures!  Here you go.

Check out the tan lines on Stella!

Reese watching over Drake.

My new swimsuit!!

Reese's hair when she wakes up.

watching the LSU tigers with Daddy

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I forgot Father's Day

Is anyone surprised?  Yeesh!  I was wondering why Wes wasn't rolling out of bed this morning at 6:00 am to take care of Drake, as he usually does.  He kept sighing and turning over, a subtle hint that maybe I should get up.  So I finally did:)   Wes came out about an hour later and as I grabbed my phone and checked my Facebook account, I was bombarded with Father's Day messages.  Great!!!  Can I keep blaming all my forgetfulness on pregnancy memory loss or has that ship sailed?  Luckily, Wes is not super sentimental either so he wasn't offended.  Both of us forgot our anniversary last year until we received a text message from a friend.  Our anniversary is actually 10 days away!!!  I wonder if I'll remember?

So what's new on this end?  We are still super excited about the new house.  We drove past it yesterday just to sneak a peak.  I'm planning a visit to the paint store this week to grab a million paint swatches.  I've still got all gray on the brain...trying to think of a good color for the laundry room.  It's really big and will be my little "office" so I want to do something cool in there.  Choices, choices.  Hopefully something will catch my eye.

I have a few videos to share.  Let's start with Reese and her love of food.

Reading a book with Daddy.

Reese LOVES making Drake laugh.  She is constantly talking baby talk to him and tickling him. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Woot Woot!!

So negotiations on the house are finalized and we will close on July 26th!!  So excited:)  Beyond excited!!!  Guess all those houses that fell through did so for a reason - so we could find our forever home.  I can just picture Reese, Stella and Drake growing up in this house.  Having their friends over, exploring in the woods, riding the zip-line. (yes, Wes found a working zip-line in the yard!!)   Now I'm busy picking paint colors.  The painters will start a few days after closing and I need to have my color choices all made.  The downstairs is currently pale yellow and we are leaning towards a light gray.  We loved the deeper gray that was in our bedroom at our old house and will probably repeat that.  I also loved the light gray and I had in Stella's room.  Hmmm, not sure I want a completely gray house!!!  Guess I'll need to start looking at some more colorful options.

Here are today's pictures...

Drake says "Do I have something on my face?"

Stella was hiding out and Reese joined her.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Inspections on the new house are complete.  Our option period ends Wednesday so I will let you know when it's more official.  We have some negotiating to do:)    Here are two pictures I took.  Love this room!!!

view from first floor, near front door

view from upstairs playroom

Drake is really crawling around more and more every day.  Here is a picture of toys that Reese piled up for him to play with.   She is constantly taking him toys - sweet sister.

Stella LOVES chocolate chip cookies:)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Found our dream house!!!!!

So we have a contract on our dream house!!!  I keep pinching myself!  Inspections will take place all day Thursday and barring any major issues/surprises, we will move forward.  I am in L-O-V-E with this place, especially the backyard.  There is a huge, flat green space for the kids to run around.  Behind that is an area with a playscape and play house.  Beyond that is a trail to a gas firepit and seating area.  The view from the deck is amazing.  The current owners are building a house so we won't be able to move in until July 27th.  If you google 9004 Bell Mountain Drive, you will see pictures from the listing.  It is only a 3 bedroom right now, but we will eventually convert the large playroom into a bedroom.

Here is a video of Drake doing his army crawl.

We went swimming today.  Here are my 3 cutie-pies.

Reese looks pretty cute with sunscreen in her hair...

That's all I have for today!  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Watch out for that lettuce

Seriously, who knew lettuce could be so dangerous?  On Friday, I continued my quest to eat healthy by making a delicious salad.  Mixed greens, tomatoes, avocado, chicken and blue cheese.  All the kids were napping and Wes was due to return from Dallas in an hour.   I was sitting on the couch inhaling my lunch, knowing that Drake would be waking up any minute.  And then a piece of lettuce got lodged in my throat.  At first, I thought a simple cough would dislodge it.  Then I realized I couldn't cough!!  My mind started racing as I stood up, clutching my throat.  I started considering my downstairs and out the front door hoping to see a neighbor, then collapse in the parking lot?   I imagined Wes getting home in an hour and finding me on the living room floor.    I kept trying to cough but could not inhale any air to expel a cough.  After what seemed like an eternity, I put my fist into my mouth and shoved two fingers completely down my throat and grabbed the piece of lettuce.  Seriously!!  Remember laughing about my ability to stick my entire fist in my mouth?  Well, it saved my life.  I sat down on the couch, sweating and bright red, heart pounding as I looked at the wilted piece of lettuce.  It took me a few minutes to calm down and catch my breath.  Guess the lesson is I need to SLOW DOWN when I'm eating.  Take the time to chew my food.  Whew!!!! 

So that's my dramatic story for the week.  Now let's look at some pictures of the kiddos. 
Reese cooking in her "chichin"

Stella working on her puzzle

Silly Reese

Wes and I went to dinner just up the street and saw this magnificent sunset.