Sunday, December 13, 2015

More pics from Joe and Lindsay's wedding

I have a few more pics to share from the wedding.  The quality of these pics isn't great but at least you can have a sneak peek.  

Random kid pics

KK's graduation!!

Last weekend was KK's graduation.  Her parents came in town for the big event.  Wes treated them to some southern cooking on Friday night - boudin and gumbo.  The graduation was Saturday morning at a nearby church.  

Reese has been talking about KK's graduation (or congradulation, as she calls it) for weeks.  She was very excited to yell as KK walked across the stage.  Wes kinda stole her thunder.

We had brunch at Gordough's brick and mortar restaurant.  Can't go wrong with doughnuts!!!  Wes and I headed home (Patricio was watching our kids) and KK got to take her parents on a tour of the city.  Luckily, they had gorgeous weather!!

Reese enjoyed dressing up in KK's cap and gown.

It's hard to believe we only have a few more days with our dear KK.  Trying not to think about it too much!!!

Brian and Kirsten's wedding, Nov. 2015

The day after Thanksgiving, Wes and I headed to New Orleans for Brian and Kirsten's wedding.  On Friday night, we had dinner at Boucherie.  They reserved the whole restaurant and it was the perfect size for the wedding party.  Saturday, we cruised around the Quarter before getting ready for the nuptials.  They were married in the courtyard of Hotel Mazarin and it was GORGEOUS!!!!

The happy couple's first dance.

I did manage to get a few selfies of Wes and I.

I don't have many pictures to share, but we had a great time.  Brian and Kirsten are two of our dearest friends and we are so grateful we got to join them on their special day!!!  (Thanks, KK!!!!)

Thanksgiving 2015

Our Thanksgiving was very low-key this year.  With Wes traveling most of the month, we wanted to stay home and chill!!  My friend Becca joined us with her kids, Jack and Annabelle.  (Her husband has to work every Thanksgiving for the UT football game.)  Wes spent all morning (and the day before) in the kitchen preparing our feast.   And as expected, it was delicious!  After we inhaled our feast, we took the kids to a nearby playground to get them out of the house.

TV time before we eat.

Stella loves climbing.

Two of my turkeys.

Mom, the picture below reminds me of a picture you have of Julie and Joe (maybe in the doll bed?)  where Joe is looking at Julie.  

This spinning chair is one of our favorites!!  I wonder how hard it would be to find some of these for our backyard???