Friday, August 28, 2015

Picture catch up

If we aren't swimming, we are playing in our new rock garden.  This is when I can really tell a difference between Houston and Austin.  When we were in Houston, we couldn't sit outside in the shade during the summer months - you would still sweat like crazy.  But we can play in the sun in Austin after 4:00 and it's fine.  And sitting in the shade at noon is bearable, too!!

I'm getting a new phone in the next month or two and I think I'll splurge on a waterproof case.  Check out these pics KK took of Stella with her i-phone.  

Reese and Stella will both hike up one leg of their jammies.  Straight gangsta!

Another little outdoor project - Wes and I cleaned out the shed under the house.

This only lasted a few seconds but I caught a cuddle on camera!!

Reese is still obsessed with all things Frozen.  She sleeps with this Elsa hat and this is how I found her one morning.

I like how the braid is strategically hiding her crack in this picture.


Drake likes to climb out of bed and fall asleep in the strangest places.  Blankie and bunny are always close by.

Reese has been begging for a sword like Jake's from the Neverland Pirates.  Wes made her wish come true.

Playing with babies.

Cruising on her bike.

Wes pointed out that both girls are sitting the exact same way.

Donut stop.

Reese playing Hide and Seek in Home Depot.  Can anyone spot her?????

This beautiful girl...she certainly has her Daddy's big smile.

Another funny cartoon.  This is me every night.

I switched schools for Reese and Drake.  This morning, we went to Open House to meet their teachers and classmates.  I'm super excited for both of them.  Their classrooms are so cute and the parents were all very friendly.  Reese will go every day, 9:00 - 2:00.  She will also have gymnastics one day a week.  Drake will go Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 - 2:00.  I'll try and take a picture of them on their first day.  

Signing off!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Is summer over yet?

I'm not talking about the heat.  The heat is fine as long as we can take a dip in the pool every afternoon.  I'm talking about Reese and Drake not being in school yet!!!!!!!!!!!  For the first time EVER, I understand the excitement of parents as they drop their kids off for the first day of school.  Reese and Drake are on each other's last nerve, and my nerves?  Let's not even talk about my nerves.  Let's just smile and enjoy the fact that Reese is upstairs playing with her baby and Drake is kicking a ball around the living room and I have a few minutes to sit and type.  Now, let's watch some videos.

Reese is OBSESSED with her baby book.  She asks me to read it every day, then she reads it to herself or Drake.  Over and over and over.  A bit narcissistic, maybe?  This is 6 minutes long, feel free to skip it.

Drake's new favorite word?  "Awesome!"  Kicking the ball with Daddy is always awesome!

Both Reese and Stella are amazing swimmers.  I can sit on the steps and watch them swim for 30 to 40 minutes, only stopping to take a breath.  It is definitely their happy place.  Check out Stella.

Drake and Reese love jumping in together.  Drake is rocking his floaties in this video, but he can also swim without them.  He can swim from the bench to Mommy, maybe a total of 10 feet?  I have a video but it's on Wes's phone.  I'll post it soon...

Reese is constantly serenading me on our car trips.  Here's a moving rendition of everyone's favorite Christmas song, Jinger Bells.

Chasing squirrels at the park.  Drake is so sweet..."Don't worry, we'll help you."

Drake loves putting the same puzzle together over and over again.  I decided to film a time lapse video for fun.

Stella has the BEST laugh...

Reese loves to pretend.  Here is a conversation between Mommy fish and baby fish.  I love how the mommy fish calls the baby sweetie.  Oh, and I love how the Mommy fish bribes the baby with candy. And the baby fish won't stay in his bed at nap time.  (Drake)  Adorable.

The aquarium has a fun bubble machine out front.  "Pop, pop, pop!!!!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Reese, Reese, Reese

Whew, this little girl is wearing me out.   She is the sweetest little thing but the talking never stops.  Literally, NEVER STOPS.  I want to strap a camera to her chest so I can record a day in the life of Reese.  The other day, I saw this on Facebook.

I decided to jot down some of the questions she asked me throughout the day.

"Look at that man on the motorcycle.  He's going to his house.  Is he hungry?"

"Do I have to wait 2 minutes or 4 minutes?"

"Does a snowman need to buy some more magic or he just gets it?"

To a man at Home Depot - "Do you want to come swimming at my house?  It's Bell Mountain Drive."  Thank goodness she doesn't remember the address numbers yet.

"Look at that hamburger.  Is it the biggest one you've ever seen, Mama?"

"If I drink milk, will it turn me into a baby?"

"Can we go to Target?"

The questions never end.  Or the running commentary on our surroundings.  It is a good thing she is so darn cute!!  I'm a little nervous about her starting school next week.  (Yes, next week!!!!)  I hope she doesn't drive her teachers/classmates crazy.   Let's hope she learns how to let someone else do the talking.  Should be interesting.  Both Reese and Drake start school on Monday.  Reese is in a full-day pre-K program.  Drake is going 3 days a week, Monday - Wednesday - Friday.   Stella will most likely be in the same class she was last year at Laura Bush Elementary.  There has been a teacher change so as long as I'm happy with the new teacher, we will stay there.

I will have a LOT more free time on my hands and I must admit, I am very excited.  Things have been crazy around here lately, and I'm missing KK!!!!!   For the first time, I understand parental excitement about the end of summer and the beginning of school.

Kaitlyn sent me this video and it pretty much sums up how I feel these days.  Especially the part about sleep.

On that note, I'm headed to bed early tonight!!!  


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Backyard pictures

It turned out great!!!  I think our outdoor furniture will last much longer under this pergola instead of baking under full sun on our back deck.  

Next project???  Wes power washed the back deck this weekend.  Now it's time for me to stain it.  FUN!!!