Friday, April 24, 2015

Pity Party for 1, please

We had to cancel the girls birthday party.  We had it all set for tomorrow but Reese spiked a fever this afternoon and Stella has an ear infection.  We can not win!!  We saw the ENT yesterday and he confirmed all 3 need ear tubes.  We will find out Monday the exact date for surgery - they think they have an opening for 3 back to back surgeries on May 8.  I am so tired of pumping these poor kids full of antibiotics that aren't helping.  For the past month, someone in our family has been sick every single day.  Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OK, finished with my pity party.  Thanks for joining me.

Stella got into the winter clothes drawer and dressed herself.

Reese and her garden - sunflowers and daisies.

Drake with a cute hat he and KK made.

That's all I have for today.  Hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ear trouble

Drake has a double ear infection.  Stella just got over an ear infection.  Reese has to have her ear tubes replaced.  We are keeping our local ENT in business.  All 3 kiddos have an appointment with the doctor who did Reese's surgery.   We might be scheduling 3 surgeries back to back.  Fun!!!!

Wes and I just got back from New Orleans for Jill's engagement party.  I didn't even make it to the party - spent the last 2 days in bed with a stomach virus.    The girls enjoyed celebrating an early birthday with Nana and Pop.   Here are the pics I received from KK and Nana.

Fun at the park.

KK took the kids to Target to pick out some goodies.

This pic is from a few weeks ago when all 3 kids were sick.

Stella wearing a Hello Kitty backpack.

Stella likes to spell the word STOP with her alphabet letters.  I find it spelled out randomly around the house.  Always cracks me up.

Drakes current fave - unwrapping all his crayons.

Reese took a break from dressing up as a princess to dress up in her winter gear.

Monday, April 6, 2015

First dip in the pool

The water is cold, but that didn't stop Reese from trying out the pool!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Fool's Fun

I got Wes, and I got him GOOD!!!  I had my annual physical on Monday and was waiting for my thyroid levels.  On April 1st, they happened to call me with the results.  We were all playing in the master bedroom when the phone rang.  I told Wes it was the doctor's office and excused myself.  I got my thyroid results (all normal!!!) then waited a few minutes before returning to the bedroom.   I put a very blank look on my face when I opened the door and just stared at Wes.  "What's wrong?"  I paused before saying, "I'm pregnant.  This can't be happening.  I can't be pregnant."  Wes's jaw dropped - "But, you, your tubes...."  I answered, "That's not 100%, they can grow back."  Sweet Wes just looked so dumbfounded and shocked.  I kept it going for another 30 seconds before I yelled, "APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!"  Then Wes said a bad word.  HA HA HA!!   I can't believe he fell for it, especially since 2 hours earlier he told me how he pranked his mom.  (Wes told her he got a promotion and we were moving to California.  Sorry, Lynda!)  

Pool update - they finally applied the pebble surface today.  It looks awesome!!

Tomorrow, they will do some type of acid wash treatment and then they begin filling the pool.  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

We've been collecting Easter eggs in our front yard.  That's Stella's favorite therapist, Patricio, joining us for the fun.  

Reese's friend Giada came over for a playdate.