Saturday, September 13, 2014

More Stella News

KK came to spend the day with the kids and before she left, she mentioned how different Stella has been behaving.  I haven't said anything to her because I was curious if it was just me and wishful thinking.  Some examples of minor changes....Stella wants to engage more.  She still has periods during the day where she likes to play alone, read books, sings songs, just do her own thing.  But she is seeking interaction much more frequently.  Her new favorite thing is to come pull someone's arm and say "want chase."  Then she squeals, runs away and looks over her shoulder to make sure we are in pursuit.  Any time she is hungry, she heads to the pantry and says "want cookie."  We are usually able to talk her into something other than a cookie.  She can only have one or two of those a day.  She is SO ready to be potty trained - every time she goes just a little in her diaper, she starts getting undressed and says "freshie."  That's our word for fresh diaper.  KK even got her to use the potty twice today!!  Yesterday, Reese was sorting her new nail polish (it is so hard to take this girl shopping and refuse her request for "mama, it's the amazing, beautiful Elsa polish") and Stella started chirping out all the colors she saw.  I've never heard her list all the colors before, especially with zero prompting!   We are all noticing lots and lots of spontaneous speech,  including more 2 and 3 word sentences.   I  read reports and talked to a few moms who noticed a little jump after this procedure - seems like cleaning out the bowel and removing irritants for a few days makes a difference.  They also said those gains might go away until we start the treatment plan (mid-October) but fingers crossed that we can hang on to these gains by continuing a stricter diet.

Here are pics of surgery day.  We got lots of snuggles before she headed to the OR.

Here is a picture of the pill camera.  Yes, I saved it once it made its exit out the other end.  Dr. K's assistant told us a funny story of another mom who had twins.  Both needed this procedure so she saved both pill cameras, made them into a pair of earrings and sent a picture to Dr. K thanking him for the most expensive jewelry she's ever purchased.

And here are some of the scope pictures.  I'm not a doctor (shocker) but I can see the spots and polyps  he pointed out where the bowel doesn't look healthy.

OK.  No more bowel talk for a while.  Let's talk about my other two cutie pies.  They love story time.

Reese was hollering my name during rest time (she calls me Jeeeeeeeeeenny sometimes) and I went upstairs to find her bracelet stuck on her knee.   And of course, she had her Elsa dress on.

Legos are the best:)

All for now:)  

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