Monday, September 29, 2014

Video time

Stella loves her farm animals.  She is constantly asking us to draw pigs and cats.  And she can also draw them by herself!!!  Her first few words in this video are "cat, cat, meow!"  Then she says "want pig."

Poor Reese has nightmares quite often.  We hear her whimpering over the monitor and once in a while, she'll wake up crying.  They usually involve spiders and snakes.  But Daddy makes everything better!

Chase is our favorite game.   Plug your ears....lots of squealing in this one.

These two.  Bless their hearts....and their heads.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Catching up

Here are some pics of Reese's cute haircut. She LUBS it.

Daddy helping Reese with her new Elsa puzzle.

Drake got jealous so he climbed up in Daddy's lap.

Yay!!!  Reese finished it:)

Trying to catch a lizard...

Sooooo close!!!

Eating oranges.

Reese asked KK to do her hair like Anna and of course, Reese has to be Elsa.

Drake got jealous (again) because KK was playing with Stella so he set the table with play food, then pulled KK to come sit in her chair.  Looks like he's asking girls out on dates already.

Getting ready to dance at story time.

Stella loves drawing.  

Flower picking. Oh, you'll notice Stella got a haircut, too.


Reese takes after her Auntie Jill - she loves climbing trees.

A big kiss for her favorite tree.

A funny story about kisses.  After Sunday morning meeting, Reese was playing with her friend Giada.  We told her it was time to go and to say goodbye.  Reese gave Giada a hug, then a BIG kiss on the lips.  What a sweetie!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


It feels so good to play outside!!!!!

This picture made me do a  double take.  It's Stella but for a second, I thought it was Reese because her hair is getting so light.

Drake has new shoes and he LOVES them.  Yesterday, he wouldn't let me take them off at nap-time so he wore them while he slept.  Such a cutie.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's only Tuesday???!!!!

Wes left town Sunday morning and I'm ready for him to come home!!!!  But I do have to brag on my sweet husband - whenever he leaves town for a few days, he cooks all my favorite meals and stocks the fridge so I don't starve in his absence.  I've been feasting on delicious meatballs, jambalaya and a chicken/rice dish.  Good thing he comes home tomorrow - only one meatball left!!

Stella cleaning house -

Side note - I'll be curious if Stella's dark circles under her eyes disappear when she starts her medication.  Several people have documented that the anti-fungals solved this issue in their children.

More cleaning -  Stella found some cards from her therapy sessions and promptly put them in their box and brought them to me.

Reese working the i-pad.

Drake loves to build things.

And he loves to wear high heels.

This is a long video (4 minutes) but super cute.  Reese reading her dinosaur book.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Not much news

Stella loves singing Wheels on the Bus.