Saturday, March 29, 2014

How does your garden grow?

I just hope ours survives!!!  We spent most of the day working outside and I'm excited about our super cute garden.  First was a trip to Home Depot.

This was what our garden area looked like this morning - full of weeds.

Wes started pulling weeds.

Reese had to help. She called them "weebs."

She snuck an occasional kiss through the fence.

Reese was actually a big help.  Wes had pulled a million weeds in the yard and left them in small piles all over the place.  Reese was thrilled to collect all the "weebs" and put them in the bag.  Daddy took a break and watched.

Then we laid out our garden to make sure everything fit.  We have tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, squash, green bell peppers, edamame and jalepenos.   Plus a few herbs in the herb shelf that sits above the fence - cilantro, basil and mint.  We figured out which zone the sprinkler system in the garden works from so we can put it on a timer and not worry about it.

Then it was time to put the plants in the ground.

We added a few stone paver that were laying around.

And it looks awesome!!!!!

The kids watched while Daddy watered.

Now let's hope we don't have another polar vortex sweep through Texas. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

video catch-up

Stella is quite the monkey.  I thought it was strange when I saw the coffee maker open this morning since Wes is out of town.  Then I captured this...

 And remember how I was saying Reese has these amazing manners? I did some fake sneezing today to capture them on film.


 I took a great video of Drake to send to Daddy this morning.


 Stella doesn't like peas anymore but I still put them on her tray from time to time to test them out. She decided to feed them to Reese instead.


Pictures - 

Reese loves to push the cart at Trader Joe's.

Our new art is up and we LOVE it.  I need to take a pic of the piece over the fireplace, too.

Another morning at Chik-fil-A.  Check out this cutie.

Reese met a new friend.


Drake likes to carry around Daddy's coffee cup.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Flying babies

Wes got a work-out today by throwing the kids in the air.

Drake still has an ear infection so we are on round 2 of antibiotics.  He doesn't seem to be too upset.

Drake is constantly chewing on his cheek - reminds me of his Aunt Julie:)

Shopping at Cost-Co!

All 3 kids love to read.  They think it's a big treat when I get the boxes of books off the top shelf.  These are their favorite, Little Mr. Books from Auntie Jill.  Watch this one to the end for some words of wisdom from Reese.

Reese's new favorite song is Baa Baa Black Sheep.  She really nails the high notes and the words in this one.  

Blowing bubbles

Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm back!!!!!!!

Sorry for my absence.  Things have been quite busy.  Wes left town and my mom came to help run the rodeo.  Reese was super excited to get Gwan-ma (or Mee-Maw) from the airport.  Stella took a day to warm up but once she did, she started giving out kisses and insisted mom hold her hand while she ate her breakfast.  And Drake talked mom's ear off.  They ended up sharing a room - he sleeps so much better in the guest room since that's his routine.  

Here is Stella holding on to her Grandma.

We spent some time outside.

Reese takes after her Grandma - loves to clean.

 Drake got his first haircut!!!!!  He did great and looks like such a big boy now.

Reese watching Peppa Pig, her new favorite show.

Thanks again, Mom, for coming into town.  I couldn't have done it without you:)  

The day I dropped Mom at the airport, I worked up the courage to take all 3 to the grocery store to get out of the house.  My plan was to put Stella and Drake in my new double stroller and let Reese walk.  I bought a tiny backpack a few months ago with a "leash" on it so I decided to try it out.  Reese loved it.  She was doing so great, I let her hold her own leash and she followed me around the store.  We get lots of attention from other shoppers.  

Oh yes, we had the i-pad as well.  It's a lifesaver.  

More pictures...

Today I caught some cute moments between Reese and Stella.  Here they are eating snack together, then watching a show.  So, so sweet!!!!!!

Then we headed outside - it was a gorgeous afternoon.

All for now.