Saturday, January 16, 2016

Halfway through January?!?!

Hard to believe the holidays have come and gone.  All three kiddos are back in school (YAY!) and we are settling into our  routine.

Wes started the new year with a business trip to New Orleans.  Reese asked if he was going to buy her some (LSU) tiger gear.  (Drake has a baseball cap and she wanted her own.)  I found this adorable book on Amazon for Wes to give to her when he got home.  Here she is reading it.

Drake loves his car track.  Here's some slo-motion fun!!

Another one...

Reese loves to sing along to the radio as we drive to school.  Here's her version of Uptown Funk.  Well, just the hook.  

Stella is happy to be back at Spark.  She loves her busy, structured day!

I snapped this picture of Drake and loved it so much, I blew it up to hang over his bed.

Mom, remember when I told you Stella loves to sit at the school desk?  Here are a few examples.

Drake and Reese playing together nicely.  Kinda funny because as I type this, both kids are in their room for a timeout because they KEEP FIGHTING!!!!

Reese reading while Stella warms her bones by the fire.  Whenever Wes builds a fire, Stella likes to sit on the hearth and get warm.

Stella rocking my boots.

Cute story - Reese and I were picking the meat off this chicken at dinner one day.  She asked Drake if he wanted some and he didn't.  She shrugged her shoulders and said to me, "That's ok, mom.  I guess it's just our thing."

Another funny Reese story.  She was upstairs playing in her room last Saturday.  Wes went upstairs and asked her if she wanted to hang out.  I guess he asked her a few times because she finally told him, "DAD, when someone says they don't want to hang out that means they just don't want to hang out!"

Here a picture of a random hail storm we had a few days after Christmas.  Turns out, it means we are getting a new roof!!!  Ours was pretty beaten up so we are excited to get a new one!

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