Friday, July 31, 2015

Deck/backyard progress

It's almost finished!!!!  Here are the pictures of the process.  Final pictures next week:)

Here are the two pictures from our Vegas trip last week.  The highlight for me?  I enjoyed strawberry and nutella crepes every day I was there in honor of my birthday.  

This little Miss has been the BIGGEST helper this week.  (We will see how long it lasts!)  She has been cleaning up ALL the toys in her room, which is a lot of toys since it's also our playroom.  Yesterday, I was unloading the dishwasher and she asked to help.  I pulled out the silverware holder and she took care of that.  If I need something from upstairs (a pair of kids socks, a missing water bottle, etc.) I can ask Reese to go find it and she does.   In exchange, she gets to pick a couple of coins from my wallet to add to her piggy bank.  And she always chooses the shiny new pennies.  SCORE!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

So behind on posts!!!

Wow, I'm really far behind.  Let's test my memory...

Chicago - Wes and I enjoyed a weekend with Joe, Lindsay, mom and dad.  We went to a Cubs game, ate some great food, saw Brian/Danica and family, and had dinner with Lindsay's family.  I think Jill, Julie and I could take a girls trip with Lindsay and her two sisters and become fast friends.  They are sweet, funny, easy-going girls.  Sadly, we didn't take one picture at their house.  But I do have some Chicago pics.

Joe's balcony.

Claire did my hair!!

Oh my goodness.  We were driving around with the Alinks and I notice all the fire hydrants have these poles on them.  "What are those for?"  "To mark where the fire hydrants are when they are covered in snow drifts."   It's official, I'm never moving to Chicago.

Back in Austin, KK and I took the kids to a birthday party of some twin friends, Jack and Annabelle. The highlight?  The mariachi band playing happy birthday.

Fast forward another week and Wes and I snuck off to Vegas.  Again, not a lot of pics.  Just good food, pool lounging and relaxing.  And sleeping in:)

I ate 4 crepes, one for every day I was there!!

I came home to the sweetest birthday card and flowers.  Thanks, KK and kiddos!!

We have a family membership to the Austin Aquarium and we go all the time.  Reese loves feeding the stingrays.  They are so cute!!

Enjoy Reese's fake laugh the first time she gets splashed.

The girls are swimming like crazy.  Reese is completely on her own, Stella needs some help once in a while so I stay close to her.  Here is Reese showing off her skills.

Reese's favorite book is No, David.  Here is a video of her reading the story.

And Drake's turn.

This is a looooong video so feel free to skip it, but Reese loves to cook.  She is an expert quesadilla maker.

Another long one - Reese LOVES her ballet class.  Here she is practicing.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Backyard is slowly coming along.  Slab is done, structure is going up.

Pool time!!!

Swimming in the rain!!!

Reese loves to color - first order of business???  Lipstick for the princesses.


Wes and I had another amazing trip to the Pedregal Resort in Cabo.

The boys getting serenaded.

Great food, amazing resort, sooooooo relaxing, just what the doctor ordered:)