Saturday, June 27, 2015

We are still here!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in forever.  No excuse, just haven't felt like sitting down and taking the time to upload pictures, edit videos, write complete sentences, etc.....  Things continue to stay busy.   We are getting lots of swim time.  Two days ago, Reese and Stella really took off on their swimming skills.  Stella is a machine in the water.  She doesn't want to be held, helped, anything.  We take turns having their floaties off because they each require a lot of attention.  So while Stella is cruising in her floaties, I'll swim with Reese for 5 minutes.  Then we switch.   That allows us to concentrate on one kid.  They have both mastered the art of holding their breath and swimming towards the side or the steps.  They love putting on goggles so they can see underwater, especially Stella.  When she has her floaties on, she will lay with her head underwater and just look around the pool before coming up for a breath.  It's hard to take videos because Wes and I both need to be in the pool helping with all 3 kids.  When Kaitlyn gets back from her trip (she's visiting Rayce) I'll try and get some more pics and videos.

The landscapers have started working on our backyard patio project.  Here they are laying the form for the concrete.

I will snap pics of the slab this afternoon and add them to my next post.

The many faces of Drake:

Stella insists wearing her swimsuit as soon as she gets home from school.  She calls it her "swim soup." 

 Playdoh fun!

Reese and I went to a fairy party one Saturday, where she made a fairy house.  Lots of fun!

We had a playdate with Giada last week.

Drake played with her car collection the entire time.  He was in heaven!

My two little nose-pickers.

Rare sighting - Playing together nicely!!!


All for now.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

catching up

We've been super busy.  June is crunch time for Wes so he's on the road a lot.  We've been spending lots of time in the pool.  Reese and Stella are both close to swimming independently - I've got to get them in swim lessons.  I don't have any pool pictures of the kids swimming since I leave my phone in the house.  And unfortunately, it's supposed to rain a lot this week.  But next time we get in the pool, I hope to snap some pics and videos.

Drake is obsessed with his car collection and I love how he carries them around in a cute purse.

Yummy homemade popsicles.

I went to Houston last week for the day.  Reese hung out with Nana while I was there.  She had a blast and is already asking to go back.  Here she is on the ride home - passed out cold!!

Drake rocking his wife-beater...thanks, Carol!!

Reese had her first ballet lesson this past week.  They won't let the parents stay and watch, but I got a few pictures before they kicked us out.  She had a blast and is still practicing her dance moves.

Mom, I don't think I ever posted these pictures.  So cute!!!

Reese picked out a toy microphone the other day.  We are back to hearing "Let It Go" all day long.  Fun!  Oh, and Michelle and Maggie came for a visit this week - look at cute Maggie in this video.

And another one....I think I need to teach her the words.

And we need to start speech therapy.  Add it to my to-do list.  Check out this video.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


The rain has finally stopped and we can play on our deck again.  So we broke out the bubbles.

You'll notice Stella is naked again.  She's a little streaker.  One second, she has her clothes on.  Two seconds later, she's giggling and running around naked.  Good thing our backyard is so private!!!

The pool water needed some tweaking after all the rain.  It was loaded with phosphates, which allow algae to grow.  So after a good chlorine shock and a few other treatments, we were able to go swimming today.  Reese is a water bug, still using a floatie but cruising the pool by herself.  Drake is getting more comfortable in his floatie and was able to swim around solo today.  Stella likes to jump in to us and then have us hold her while we jump in the water.  So much fun.  Our landscaping job starts next week.  I'll take lots of before pictures this weekend, this show the after pictures.  I think it is going to be amazing!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A few pictures

Reese painting.

Stella trying to wake up and eat breakfast.

Drake peeling crayons, one of his favorite past times.

Drake in action...

Stella in action.  She loves putting on her winter gear and playing chase.