Saturday, February 28, 2015

Reesie post

Reese is very excited about being a part of KK's wedding.  KK found her a beautiful dress and Reese would wear it every day if I let her. Yesterday, we let her try it on to test a few headbands to see if they matched the dress.

Little Miss Priss didn't want to leave the mirror.  Here is a video of her commenting on how "verytastic" and "yoo-tiful" she looks.  That's fantastic and beautiful, by the way.

This little girl LOVES to read.  Check out all her reading positions over the course of 30 minutes.

Brrr, it's cold here.  Pool guys have pushed gunite to Monday since it's freezing and raining today.  YUCK!!!!

Reese has crazy hair after bath time.  She reminds me of Harry from Dumb and Dumber.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Singing songs

Drake jibber jabbers all day long and we can't understand much of what he's saying.  He loves to sing, too.  His favorites are ABC's and Twinkle, Twinkle (or Binkle, Binkle - or Winkle Winkle) Little Star.

 He likes to play meeting.


 I found Reese rocking Drake in his room yesterday. So sweet.


Reese loves playing doctor and Drake is such a good patient. And when I turn the camera to Stella, you can hear her singing, "The bird goes tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, the mouse says squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak." This is one of her favorite animal songs.


Stella loves making ducks out of play dough.

She sat like this for 15 minutes while she colored.  Silly girl.

All three kids sitting still at the same time - WOW!!!!

Hide the real scissors - Reese is obsessed with cutting hair.

Lego tower.

I was driving the kids to the gym on Tuesday morning when I got pulled over for speeding.  Reese and Drake were screaming at the policeman - "Hi Police.  Hi.  Hi!!!!!"  To make matters worse, I didn't have my wallet in my purse.  I explained to the officer that I left it in my husbands car but luckily, I had my driver's license number memorized so I gave him that.  He was in his car for quite a while before he returned with a ticket - a warning ticket!!!!  Whew!!!!  I can't remember the last time I was pulled over - it is not a good feeling!  Glad he let me off the hook.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I can't believe I didn't take any pictures when Anadean and Jay were here for a visit!!!  They came last Sunday night and stayed until Wednesday.  They are in the states for a month, traveling from the east coast to the west.  They fly back to Australia at the end of this month.  So happy they stopped in Austin so we could get to know Jay and catch up with Dean.  Safe travels, y'all!!  Reese misses you already.  "Where Dean?  Where Jay?"  And seriously, y'all come back.

We have special meeting this weekend and Doug Murray will be staying with us.  We won't even attempt to take Stella like we did last year.  She melted down as soon as we entered the large auditorium.  KK will stay home with Stella and Drake and Reese will join us.  Let's hope she behaves better than she did this morning.  She kept trying to tongue me (my fault for teaching her that - when I tickle her, I pin her down and touch my tongue to her nose - now she won't stop doing it, always at the most inappropriate times) and she kept putting her hands on my face.  She wasn't happy when we got in the car to leave and I told her she wasn't getting a lollipop.  Tears followed so hopefully, she'll remember for next Sunday.

Wes and his buddy Eliot are headed to Mexico City this week for a little getaway.  STAY SAFE, guys!!  Enjoy the food and sights, but go to bed early and stay out of trouble!  We need y'all back in Texas in one piece.

It's a dreary Sunday afternoon here.  Yesterday, it was 80 degrees and sunny.  Today, it's drizzling and cool.  This week, the temperature will be down to 28 one evening, with a high of 55 for the whole week.  Yuck!  I'm hoping this is the last cold snap.  I'm ready for Spring.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Not much news

They finished the rebar and plumbing for the pool.  Hopefully, the city of Austin will come do their inspections early next week so we can move on to the gunite phase.  

Stella talking to daddy.

A few Reese'isms....

She was looking at a scratch on her foot and said, "Mommy, I broke myself."

When she's cold, she says, "I'm chippering" instead of shivering.

Reese overheard Wes and I commenting on her cuteness and she announced, "I sure am!"

She calls snowflakes snowflags.

That's all I have for today!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Taking shape

The pool is taking shape and it looks great.  I'm super impressed thus far with our pool company.  They are here at 7:30 every morning, and work until 6:30 pm.  They have gotten so much done!!

The kiddos -  Stella has started a trend by going pants-free in our house.

Eating snack -

Drake had his first poop on the potty!!  His mouth is full of gummy bears in this pic.

And Reese's mouth is full of Oreos from Grandma.

Here is a short video of the kids opening their Valentine's Day gift from Grandma.  My phone cut off in the middle of filming but it's still cute.  Reese misunderstood when I said "open it" and opened her mouth up wide.

Drake was cracking himself up making the ducks kiss.

Self portrait.

Fun in the tub.

Playing outside.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Digging in the dirt

Let the digging begin....

The kids had fun watching the tractor.

I had a date with Stella today.  Since she had a fever yesterday, she couldn't go to school.  But she was feeling fine so we headed to the park after dropping Reese and Drake at the club.

Drake likes to wear his sunglasses on his head.

Reese showing off her nail polish.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Swimsuit time

Or so Reese thinks.  Today, the pool company came out and sprayed the outline of our new pool.   Reese disappeared, only to return a minute later wearing her swimsuit top.

It took lots of explaining before she realized it would be weeks until we can go swimming.   I can't wait for the tractors to start digging so we can watch from the back deck.

Drake chilling with his paci and bunny while waiting for lunch.  This cutie pie loves to sleep.  (Must take after his mama.)  As soon as lunch is over, he starts asking to take his nap.  Same with bedtime.  At 6:00, I announce he's going to bed and he runs to his room.  Love it!!

Stella got sent home from school with a fever today.  But she seemed to be feeling ok, except for some sniffles.   Here she is helping fold laundry.

And cuddling with Daddy.