Friday, May 13, 2016

South Padre

We rented a beach house in South Padre with our friends, Becca and Jeremy.  They also have twins, Jack and Annabelle.  Luckily, the kids did great on the 5 1/2 hour car ride.  (Thank you i-Pad!)  The house was perfect - it had a small pool and hot tub and a walkway leading straight to the beach.  Can't get much better than that!!

All 3 kiddos LOVED the beach.  They remember the beach from Uncle Joe's wedding but we didn't spend a lot of time in the sand.   It was so much fun to watch them play:   swimming, chasing seagulls, digging holes, flying kites, burying other kids in the sand, splashing in the waves, what a busy week!!  Now I just need a vacation to recover from my vacation.  Oh wait, Wes and I are going to Mexico next week.  Woo-hoo!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Happy Birthday, Reese and Stella!!

Holy moly, this was quite a birthday party.  I decided to go big for their 5th birthday since they've never had a party with friends before.  Months ago, Reese requested a princess party.  Stella loves dressing up in princess dresses too, so it seemed like a good fit for both of them.  I knew I needed an "attraction" because the thought of being tasked with entertaining 30 little ones gave me "First Day of Kinder flashbacks" and I wanted to enjoy myself.  I found Princess Parties and More Company that provides princesses.  AND they do an hour presentation for the kids.  Sign me up!!  I booked Queen Elsa for the party and Reese started asking me "how many days 'til I meet Elsa?" months ago.  And finally, the day came.  The night before the party, Elsa calls my cell phone to talk to the girls.  Reese freaked out, rightfully so.  Talking to Elsa on the phone????? Kind of a big deal.

So the big day came!!  Reese wore her Elsa nightgown, Stella wore her Anna nightgown for about 2 minutes.  A little too itchy for her:)  Reese classmates and friends jumped in the bouncy house and ran around the backyard.  Then Elsa came.  She was amazing!  She had those munchkins captivated the entire time.  She sang songs with them, played a parachute game, Reese and Stella were coronated, she made balloon animals, it was fantastic.  She stayed in character the entire time.  When she needed to ask me something she would say, "Queen Mother, do you have the candles?"  It was hilarious.

PiƱata time!!!!

And of course, the birthday song.

We all had a great time!  Can't believe my little girls are 5!!!!

These high ceilings caught a lot of balloons!!!

Here's a video on their actual birthday.  Reese woke up early, bringing Drake with her, to ask if it was really her birthday.