Wednesday, October 7, 2015

All About Drake

Drake has changed a lot over the past few months.  He is talking up a storm and has become very independent.  He has also developed a case of the terrible twos.  He likes to say "NO!" and throw himself on the floor when he doesn't get his way.  Then, he always says "I hurt my toe!" as his sympathy cry.  Not fun.  He also has stopped eating a well rounded diet.  All he wants is bagels, pretzels and crackers.  Me thinks he is headed for feeding therapy, like his big sister!!

Drake goes to school three days a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-2.   He calls his class the monkey room.  The first 2 weeks I dropped him off, he cried.  But after I took Reese to her room and swung back by his room to peek in, he was always happily playing with toys.  He reminds me a lot of Reese -he likes to add some DRAMA!!  In fact, he truly is a mini-Reese.  He has adopted several of her sayings.  "But I AM a good listener!"  and "Tah-dah!!"

Drake LOVES playing with his cars.  He sleeps with them, carries them in a purse during the day, lines them up on the window sill, drives them down lego ramps and even bathes with them.  He also loves putting puzzles together.   He can easily entertain himself for long periods of time, which is nice.  He still loves balloons and balls and is constantly asking us to play kick with him.   

Drake is still our earliest riser.  He sleeps hard, but wakes up before 6:00 most mornings.  He grabs his blankie and bunny (which he is still totally attached to for bedtime) a couple of cars and heads down to our room.  If he comes in before 6, we make him lay down in our bed.  If its after 6, we give him an iPad to play quietly while we start waking up.  He also really needs his afternoon nap, which he only gets a few days a week.  

Drake is constantly asking us to "hold you."  He loves being held, cuddled and hugged.  He's still my baby!  He has a love/hate relationship with Reese.  They are best friends and worst enemies.  They love to annoy each other - when one is playing with a toy, the other will take it away.  Just for fun!!!  Drake's teacher told me when Drake sees Reese in the hallway at school, he runs and hugs her, saying "My Reesie!"  Deep down, they really do love each other.  Let's home they remember that as they continue to pick on one another for the next 12 years.

We potty trained Drake in ONE DAY a few months ago.  That was a huge surprise.  I thought he would be difficult, but I think he likes doing things his big sisters do.  We are down to night-time diapers only.  Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drake is a giant scaredy cat.  He is terrified of bugs, new people, loud noises (Vita-Mix and food processor) and toys that surprise you.  Like this monkey-in-a-box.

Drake and his cars.