Saturday, September 19, 2015

All About Reese

It's been a long time since I did an individual post for each kiddo.  Here's one for Ms. Reese.

Reese is our social butterfly.  Everywhere we go, she talks to EVERYONE.  I'm not exaggerating - every person we walk past in a store aisle gets a "hello" and "my name is Reese" and "mom, say hi."  The introvert in me is dying a slow death.  I now have to interact with every single person we encounter on our shopping trips.  Awesome!!  She also invites most people to come swim in our backyard.  "It's on Bell Mountain Drive," she tells them.   Kinda glad she still doesn't know our house number.  She is still a giant chatterbox.  Constantly asking questions, making observations, making up songs, yada, yada, yada.  The girl can TALK!

Reese goes to school 5 days a week, from 9:00 - 2:00.   Her teachers love her.  (Whew!!)  They say she has great manners and plays with everyone and is just the happiest kid they know.  She runs in to her room every morning and barely turns around to say goodbye.   Her favorite parts of school are painting (something I never do at home because it's MESSY) and gymnastics.

Reese is such a happy-go-lucky kid.  She loves to be a helper (empty dishwasher, takes clothes to laundry, vacuum crumbs) and especially loves helping in the kitchen.  On the weekends, KK prepares her lunches for the week and she usually lets Reese help her.  Reese loves measuring and stirring.  Speaking of measuring, she is also obsessed with meters and units!  She constantly asks me how many meters something is.  "My panties are 4 units because I'm four years old."  She's very confused that she wears a size 7 shoe.  "But I'm not 7 years old yet!"    Like any happy kid, she also has her moments.  They usually involve Drake and a toy.  Those two love annoying each other by taking toys they know the other one wants.

Reese is our best eater by a mile!  She will trying anything once, and can always be bribed to finish everything on her plate for a mini chocolate ice cream cone.  "Make it a double, Mommy!"   At least we have one kid who eats.  Her favorite foods are cheese quesadillas, Daddy's soup and ice cream.

For fun, Reese can usually be found playing with her baby dolls, reading a book, putting together a puzzle and dressing up.  She's not a huge fan of playing alone - she prefers to have someone to interact with.   Her favorite book is Knuffle Bunny and her very own baby book.  Her favorite TV show is Jake and the Neverland Pirates and Team Umizoomi.  Her favorite movies are Frozen and The Little Mermaid.

Reese is our best sleeper.  She sleeps late and she sleeps hard.  I could walk through her room singing and she wouldn't budge.  

Amusing story:

All 3 kids and I were leaving First Leap one day.   My car was parked right in front of a large window where two men were peeling off these giant stickers and replacing them with new ones.  Of course, Reese said hello and asked them what they were doing.  While they were chatting, I loaded Stella and Drake into the car.  When I went back for Reese, who was still talking to the guys, I asked her to say goodbye.  This is what she said:  "Goodbye!  And listen.  This is the planet Earth.  It is the safest place for humans.  So when you leave, don't go to another planet.  Not Jupiter, not Saturn.  Just stay on Earth, OK?  It's safe here.  Don't forget!"  She kept yelling this important message as I picked her up and walked her to the car.  The two guys were cracking up.

Gross story:  Reese sneezed and as stuff flew out of her nose/mouth, she said "Look Mommy!  I made snow!"

Funny story:

I was reading Reese her baby book and showed her the picture of me and my big tummy.  "That's mommy.  And you and Stella are right inside my tummy."  Reese looked at me with BIG eyes and said, "You ate us?"  

Hilarious story:

One of the teachers at Reese's school is ....large.  When I was picking the kids up at the playground one day, Reese ran towards me screaming, "Mom, that teacher has 10 babies inside her tummy!!!  10 babies!!  And they are all sleeping!"  I'm sure my face started to turn red as I got closer to the gate and to the teacher.    We all met at the gate and Reese started pushing her hand deep into the teachers belly, saying "wake up!"  I apologized to the teacher, who said it was partly her fault.  When Reese asked her if she had a baby in her tummy, she said yes.  When Reese asked her how many, she said 10.   Sigh.  Reese and I had a long conversation about not putting our hands on people because it's not polite.  I kinda hoped that she would forget over the weekend because I didn't want to have the "you can't ask people if they're pregnant" conversation with a 4 year old.  Fast forward to Monday morning.  Wes and I are walking down the hall with Reese and Drake.  Reese sees the teacher and runs up to her.  "Are the babies all sleeping?  All 10 of them?  When are they coming out?"  Wes took a sharp left turn down a hallway (because he knew he was going to bust out laughing) and left me to handle the pleasantries.  I apologized AGAIN and decided I would have to have the conversation with Reese.   It's been a week and I haven't heard her say anything but who knows!!!

Funny words:

"terry-bull" - terrible
"upside" - outside
"pan - a - cake"  -  pancake

Monday, September 14, 2015

Quick get-away

Wes spent the first week of September in San Francisco for a work conference.  And since it was followed by a 3 day weekend (Labor Day), KK watched the kids so I could join Wes in California.  It was a GREAT trip.  Our friends Linsay and Jeremy moved their family to San Fran 2 months ago so we spent most of the weekend with them.  We walked around Sausalito, ate oysters overlooking the bay, spent an afternoon lounging in the sun at "Off the Grid" and as always, got plenty of sleep!!  It was a great trip!  Not many pics, but here is what I have.

The weather was perfect!!  (Notice Wes with no shirt - classic Wes!)  Sunny and warm during the day, cool in the evenings.  Lindsay and Jeremy have two kids close in age to ours (5,2) so we are thinking about doing DisneyLand with them in February or March.  We will see how our family trip to Joe's wedding goes before we start planning another one.

Kid pics:

Stella loves building tall towers.

Trying on Reese's flower girl dress for Uncle Joe's wedding!

Reese calls herself a "good cooker" and begs to help all of us in the kitchen.

Snuggles with daddy.

Cool kids.

Drake potty trained in one day a few weeks ago.  (I always heard it was harder to potty train boys so I was dreading it.  Not an issue!!)   Here we are watching a movie while he works on something.

KK took Reese to the aquarium and they saw a mermaid!

And fed the birds.

Ice cream date.

Stella loves her piggie.

Stella and her favorite float.

I promised a video of Drake swimming and here it is.

Here's another looooooooooong video but I couldn't crop it.  Reese reading Frozen.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This might be the cutest thing ever...

Sweet Reese - she couldn't stop turning around to look at us or sneak a peek of herself in the mirror to her right.  And those cute little pigtails bobbing around...I could not stop smiling!!!  She LOVES dance class.  Now that dance class has ended, I signed her up for gymnastics.  She will have that every Thursday after school.

And another good laugh from Reese...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Day of School pics

The quality of these pictures isn't great but I'm just relieved to have captured a few shots!!